Cold Shower Therapy for Asthma

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Isabel (Sydney, Nsw Australia) on 07/15/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I can certainly vouch for the cold shower remedy. After normal shower I turn up the heat to the hottest possible before it's actually burning for about a minute, then turn almost all the hot off. I have a shower rose that you can hold rather than a fixed one, this helps as I can start on the legs first then work up to head and chest and back. It's important to breath deeply while doing this, you will notice your breathing becoming more intense naturally with the shock but really try to push all the air out of your lungs as this gets rid if the toxins faster. I only leave cold on for about 15 seconds. You won't feel cold stepping out of shower, you will feel warm and indeed invigorated and rejuvenated. I have been doing this for about 3 weeks every day and yes my asthma has improved. Also for those on cleansing regimes this is a great one too.
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Tim (NSW Kitchener, Australia) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I decided to finish every normal 'hot shower' with a blast of totally cold water, after reading a book by an old healer by the name of Jethro Kloss. Anyway, I am a bad asthmatic, and used to get sick around 6 times per year. When I got sick it really affected my chest, with huge amounts of mucous, and real bad asthma.

Now I rarely get sick (it boosts the immune system as well as circulation), and if I do it's usually just a mildly sore throat. I wish I could better explain the massive difference this has made. Even if you feel sickness coming on, a cold shower will often stop it in its tracks.

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Lisa (London, England) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I ran into this page by accident, while looking up treatments to help my chronic asthma. I gave it a try and felt amazingly envigorated and my asthma seemed to improve almost immediately as I was having a bad breathing day. Also my skin feels great. I will continue.