Supplements for Asperger Syndrome

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Vanessa (Binghamton, New York) on 10/29/2009
4 out of 5 stars

Hello all,
I am a nineteen year old who was diagnosed with a mild case of aspergers syndrome at a young age. As of now, I am trying to figure out ways to cure it, particuarly the associated ADHD and OCD symptoms. The inability to sustain attention and fidgitiness are the main aspects that I feel throw off my life. I take the following supplements, some for aspergers other for physical appearance:

-Fish Oil
-Apple Cider Vinegar
-Hair, skin, and nails formula
-I just started Magnesium Zinc

After reading all of these articles, i'm thinking about throwing more in, maybe Vitamin C and/or flaxseed oil? But I don't want to be takingso many supplements at once as to throw my body off. Any recommendations as to what would be ideal for me?

Oh, and to help out anyone else in my situation, ACV and Fish oil really help. Magnesium seems to as well but I can't guarantee anything since I just started taking it. ^_^