Borax for Arthritis

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Ermintrude (Uk) on 11/10/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I have been taking borax 4 teaspoons of a solution of one teaspoon in 1 litre of water per day. Hence it has taken more than a month to consume a single teaspoonful of borax. So far no adverse side effects, only good good good. Arthritic pain in fingers gone for first time in more than 40 years. Can move my fingers better than when I was a child. Stronger fingernails, they have always been very soft. Feeling warming, I have been feeling cold for years. Feeling very fit, moving much more easily. Increased energy generally. Life is altogether better. Problems with candida seem to be improved as well.

This is a trace element, are people taking too much? It is also in food, so depending on your diet and water supply you may not need much.

1/4 of teaspoon in a litre of water and then drinking two litres is a huge amount of borax; suggest some people are overdosing.

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