Tea Tree Oil for Angular Cheilitis

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Showing 1 Star Reviews

Shannon (Front Royal, Virginia) on 07/06/2011
1 out of 5 stars

I tried tea tree oil and it made it worse. I also tried plain yogurt, antibiotic ointment and hydrocortisone treatment. The crustiness just kept getting worse and it hurt to open my mouth. I actually figured out why I was getting this problem, which was due to a new mouthwash that had all kinds of really strong essential oils in it. The mouthwash works great on my mouth and gums, but the oils seep out of my mouth and into the corners causing severe irritation, redness and crustiness. I finally tried using Carmex, I had a little jar in my medicine cabinet from like 15 years ago. The crust peeled off within hours and it was healed completely after a day or two. The little tub version works, not the tube kind though.

Suzanne (Abbotsford, Bc Canada) on 09/20/2010
1 out of 5 stars

Angular chelitis - I believe mine was an allergic reaction to something I ate or drank at a wedding we attended. It came on very suddenly, but I have no clue what it was, and so far (2 days later)it's not very bad. I did put tea tree oil on it a day later when we got home, but can't say that it helped. I plan to try plain yogurt when I get some.