Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda for Angular Cheilitis

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Marty (Vancouver, Canada) on 11/23/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I recently came down with angular cheilitis, I tried different home remedies after getting 40 dollar bottle of cream from doctor (waste of cash and time). Truth is that it wouldn't clear up until I sanitized my mouth first (flush for one min with 3%hydrogen peroxide) and yes it stung, especially where the bacteria or fungus or whatever it was had been proliferating. It stings, however as I gargled and flushed, the size and number of spots disappeared quite fast, but I continued even after the stinging stopped, just reduced from 4 times a day down to 2 times a day. All the while I would wash the cracks and surrounding area with hydrogen peroxide, dry off and then apply damp baking soda to the entire site, and yes that stung but I found that the baking soda reversed the spread literally in 24 hrs and yes the first time I went to sleep with the baking soda on my face. It was on approx 6 to 8 hrs while I slept. Signs of spread and redness were clearly evident.

During the times I did not have the baking soda on, I washed my lips and affected areas with the hydrogen peroxide and left it for a minute or so and then I applied a product called correctx(my wife is a rep for essential oils and she gave that to me) basically I kept water and or moisture from getting into cracks this way. Don't confuse water in hydrogen peroxide as regular water. I flushed regularly with the peroxide and did half hour stints during day when not working using baking soda, then washed area with hydrogen peroxide and applied something to keep water from saliva and drinking water out. 4 days later it is almost completely gone. But remember it will sting at first, the less it stings indicates progress. Just for those who say they have a high pain threshold, if u cant handle this don't say u have a high pain threshold but couldn't hack it