Heavy Metal Detox for Angular Cheilitis

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007rg (Sherman Oaks, Ca) on 10/20/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Heavy metal detox: i've been battling angular cheilitis for years... think it started when i was pretty young and got a mouthful of silver/mercury amalgams. from all of my research which has been extensive bc need to finally get rid of angular cheilitis forever. turns out that heavy metal poisoning causes the body to farm candida to bind with the metals which in turn can cause angular cheilitis. basically get rid of the metals in your system then start to eliminate candida. they seem to go hand in hand with me. also caused health issues like hyperthyroidism, loss of hair, brain fog, muscle & joint aches... i've recently removed 80% of my amalgams and waiting for financial stability to get rid of the rest. wish the process wasn't so expensive but so far it's helping. hope this info saves some of you a lot of time and despair.