Avoid Peppermint Products for Angular Cheilitis

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Lorayne (Napa, Ca) on 09/04/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I just started having cracks in the corner of my mouth 6 months ago. First time was in February and just thought it was the cold weather and dry because of having the heat on etc. Next time was in July, suffered for a week and then it got better, came right back, cleared up when I started using OTC Hydrocortisone cream. It came back again a week later and I was just ready to go see a dermatologist. I thought about what was I doing differently and remembered that I bought new toothpaste, A&H Peroxicare. I looked it up on line and a LOT of people were having trouble with this toothpaste and mouth cracks, dry lips, dry mouth, tongue irritation. Stopped using it right away and within 24 hours the difference is almost 100% healed. I used the hydrocortisone cream for about 12 more hours since I was having an allergic reaction. 24 hours later, I don't even need that now. I never would have dreamed that I would ever be allergic to toothpaste but there is some ingredient in it that is causing a lot of irritation to a lot of people. I think back in February, I was using the same toothpaste but I couldn't swear to it. Good Luck finding your cure, the mouth cracks are painful.
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Diana (Fl) on 01/13/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you! I have actually had this since a teenager and I'm now in my 60's. My dentist never knew how to help me. It's not constant but it does flare up. I take a live liquid probiotic which really helps. Lately it has been terrible, hurts like crazy, and the probiotic isn't helping. You just solved my problem I think! I've been drinking lots of Peppermint chocolate coffee's from Starbucks! No more peppermint!
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Maya (Treasure Coast Florida) on 11/08/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I'm so glad you mentioned toothpaste! I just got a new brand.. from a health food store.. what I noticed is it's super foamy (unlike other natural brands) this may very well be the cause of my AC which is extremely rare for me to get.. in fact I don't remember last time I had it and was so surprised when it developed just the other day!
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Healthy Girl (Mesa, Az) on 07/13/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I battled angular cheilitis for over two years. I tried anti-fungal creams, B-complex vitamins, turmeric, different essential oils, yogurt, ointments - you name it, I probably tried it! It came on so suddenly that it had me stumped. At times it would get better and then flair up again, although not as bad as the first time I came down with it. I think I have finally solved my problem:

I believe I have developed an allergy to the peppermint oil in my toothpaste and lip balm. I also think that Xylitol makes it come back. Recently, I started brushing my teeth with straight baking soda and salt and then I gargle with peroxide. When my lips start getting chapped, I put Vaseline on them, although I still wear lipstick just about every day. It has now been two months and no peeling or cracking at the corners of my mouth. I think cheilitis can be caused by many different things whether it is an allergy, fungal or a deficiency.

I hope found my cure - the real test will be when I go to the dentist the end of this month. Hopefully, I won't have a flair-up.

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Terry (Westport, Connecticut) on 12/22/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have had angular cheilitis many times in my life. I believe it to be an allergic reaction to some preservative in foods, but I haven't yet pinpointed which preservative it is. Some brands of hot sauce cause this to happen. I also just bought a new brand of toothpaste last week at the grocery store from Arm & Hammer and within an hour the right corner of my mouth started to peel. The toothpaste had touched my lips when I was brushing. It's happened before with toothpaste so I need to use natural brands - I just forgot until it happened yet again! The fluoride isn't causing it because the natural brands I use like Tom's of Maine have fluoride in them (ha, not so natural!). I am guessing you are also having an allergic reaction to either food or toothpaste and it's something you keep using! One more trigger for me is certain brands of lipstick. I don't know what they put in them but it causes the cracking and dryness at the corners.