To Medicate or Not to Medicate for ADD & ADHD

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August (Singapore) on 10/07/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

As someone who has ADHD, I know that merely excerising and changing diet doesn't help. I don't really think that eating too much sugary food contributes to ADHD either. Sure, potato chips and sweets arn't healthy, but which children doesn't eat them? I think that ADHD is just in your mind, hard to get rid of, constantly there to bug you, no matter what you do. You have this constant urge to do something else when someone talks to you. No matter how much you focus it just seem so difficult to concentrate and make careless mistakes and say thoughtless stuff. I have tried taking iron, omega-3 fatty acids. None worked. Even the effect of caffeine is temporary. That's why I believe that medication is the most effective way to help people with ADHD. After all, the effect is instantanous and its the product of science and research. It's safe, so calling it a "dangerous mind altering drug" isn't logical, it's nonsense. Had it been dangerous, healthcare professional wouldn't even have thought of prescribing it in order to save their ass.
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Tracy (Olympia, Wa) on 07/08/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

Be careful trying Theanine, for my son it caused him to be groggy(sp) and grumpy - you know like when a child is overly tired. He may have been calmer after taking it but like a tired child he was not able to function emotionally. Someone else wrote on this site that for ADD/ADHD stimulants (like caffine) usually work better than calming remedies (such as theanine) and that is what I have found as well. Green and Black tea both have theanine in them. I wonder, since they both contain caffine too, if it wouldn't be better to try that instead of the theanine supplement.

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Susan (Ohio, Il) on 12/15/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

In follow up to my son's treatment. Nystatin was not very effective in eliminating his systemic fungal imbalance. We have started lemon, baking soda, and sea salt drink. We noticed a DRAMATIC Improvement in overall neuro function by substituting a cayanne capsul for the b injections and other b supplements. The cayenne has had such a huge impact on my sons behavior. He stopped spinning, putting holes in the walls and making disjointed sentances. He is no longer considered autistic, the ADHD label stands. I have high hopes for tumeric and the baking soda drink. Curiously he craves apples and sunflower seeds.

Would he be best served by magnesium gluconate or citrate, granulated lecithin or kelp? He refuses to take so many supplements and the cost of a taylored multiple is not possible. Also. I know he has heavy metal poisoning. He reacts severly to changes in his chemistry. Would Epsom salt cream applications suffice? It seems the more you learn the more your realize you do not understard. I am grateful for this site.

Ps I cant remember my password sorry

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