Pantothenic Acid for Acne

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Ellie L. (San Diego, CA) on 09/10/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I battled with acne pretty much my entire adult life. It wasn't too bad when I was on birth control, but as soon as I went off in my mid-20s, I began to develop much worse acne. I would get regular pimples but also cystic acne that would hurt. I was in my early 30s with acne...wondering will this ever go away??! I'd always have 5-10 painful pimples on my face. When one would finally go away, another would pop up. That is, UNTIL I WENT ON PANTOTHENIC ACID (vitamin b5).

Oh my gosh. This was literally the answer to my prayers. I had been praying to God to either help me find a cure for my acne or help me to accept it (it made me so insecure). And He lead me to b5. I started with a mega-dose of it - taking 8 500mg capsules per day (in smaller doses throughout the day).

I would say most of my acne was totally gone within the first month. I was shocked. I maintained the high dose "just in case" for a while after. I have since reduced it down and now take 2-4 500mg most days. I haven't had a cystic pimple since I started this over a year ago. Once in a great while I will get a very small pimple and I notice if I take a high dose of b5 it's gone within a day or two.

This was my miracle cure. I tried almost everything to cure it and nothing worked until I found this. I went on a mostly raw vegan diet for 6 months, drank the celery juice, cut our dairy, coffee, cut out sugar...nothing worked or seemed to touch it. I also put ACV on my face and it didn't do much either. The one thing I did not try was internal ACV... but all I know is b5 was finally the answer after a 10+ year fight with acne.

Hope this helps someone!

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Jim (Massachusetts) on 02/13/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using pantothenic acid [vitamin B-5] for years for acne. It works great! I take 1,000 milligram tablets not capsules because the tablets are slow release. With slow release tablets a much lower dose is required. I take four of these a day. You should probably take one at a time throughout the day but I take two at breakfast and two at dinner, that works fine for me. I also take 25,000 IU of vitamin A retinol. I recently reduced from one a day to one every other day of these because of concerns of toxicity at that dose for a prolonged period. some people will say that dose is still too high but not according to my research. Read reviews for these products. Do your own homework but these have worked for me. I also take high doses of vitamin E and D but the pantothenic acid is most important for me. Whenever I try to stop taking them, within a week or so I start breaking out again. I hope this helps!
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Caitlyn (Bloomfield, Mi Usa) on 03/02/2011
5 out of 5 stars

After literally trying everything under the sun, I came upon this article from a naturopathic doctor (link to copy and paste is below post). I've seen much discussion about B5 (pantothenic acid) for acne, but the amounts you need to take are excessive. This article explains how you can take L-Carnitine to boost the benefits of B5, necessitating a lesser amount. (L-Carnitine fumarate is the more absorbable form of it-- just google L-carnitine fumarate; many places to purchase will show up. This worked much better for me than regular L-Carnitine)

While they recommend 750 mg. of B5 with 250mg. of L-Carnitine 3x per day; I took 1000 mg. of B5 with 500 mg. of L-carnitine. (Mainly because the capsules I purchased came as 500 mg. Each, so I took two B5 and one L-carnitine per dose. I've found if I'm having a problem, adding an extra dose or 2 (making 4 or 5 times a day) works better and much faster, then you can lower the doses per day for maintenance.

Additionally, Vitex (chaste berry herb), and saw palmetto are very, very helpful and safe for hormonal acne.
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Lita209 (Sanford, Fl, Usa) on 06/25/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Pantothenic Acid - B-5 is also great for acne. This is the only thing that worked for me; megadosage of Panthotenic Acid.
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Codysmom (Alexandria, Va) on 11/19/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I've been taking vitamin B5 for past five years and that has kept my face clear. I used to get really deep and big boil type of cysts on my nose and chin. The pantothenic acid helps by preventing the pores of your skin from clogging. I always have B5 on hand. I take five capsules a day and my face is clear. I occasionally skips and my acne comes back and all I have to do is double or quadruple the dose for a few days and my face is clear again. It is the best stuff I've come across for acne. I also apply benzoyl peroxide (generic drugstore brands) on my nose and chin to kill the bacteria that may get on my face. This combined with the B5 has kept my face clear of acne and I am over 40.

Sophie (Portland, Oregon) on 10/12/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I was suffering from acne and tried many different treatment such as high does of Vitamin A, E, Zinc, turmeric, apple cider vinger, coconut...I really was really desperate. My face continued to breakout and it had been going on for about two years. When I went for a facial the girl did extractions and it just really aggravated the problem and she told me to try this new onion ointment wow my skin really went from bad to worse. So I did some research on Panthothenic Acid also known as B5 and I began to take it not the super high doses that Dr Leoug suggests (I only weigh 100 pounds and I'm hypersensitive ) I would take between 4000- 5000 mg a day of Panthothenic Acid along wtih 200 mcg Selenium. My understanding with supplements is that you have one day a week where you do not take any so I rest on Sunday! My face is now completely clear it is glowing and no blemishes of any sort. I know we are all different gentically but this worked for me and hopefully it will help you

Lita209 (Sanford, Fl, USA) on 09/25/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I finally figure out how to tell acne sufferers what to try without looking like I am advertising any company! I feel responsible for letting everyone else know what worked for me. After over 30 years suffering with acne I know how devastating this can be. Look for all the information on Pantothenic Acid that you can get. Look for Dr. Lit-Hung Leung who conducted the study! There is a lot of information, message boards on B5 for the treatment of acne. There are a lot of vitamins shops on and off line that you can get it from, but you need to learn how to take the dosages and for how long. I hope every acne victim at least take a look at this and consider. My only regret is not knowing about it 30 years ago!!!

Jess (Johnson City, TN) on 02/26/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered from severe cystic acne, the most severe, painful, and deepest of acne for at least 13 years (since puberty). I've tried everything. Nothing topical worked because the acne was so deep. I finally found the cure! A form of vitamin B5, pantothenic acid, in extremely high doses cured my acne completely! I have been taking 10g of pantothenic acid a day for almost a month. Within a week I could see huge results and within two weeks I was completely clear. I'm so glad I decided to try this instead of trying Accutane like the rest of my family. If you decide to try this build up to 10g/day over the course of a week (if not, it can cause stomach upset) and continue the 10g/day regimen for 2 months. After that you can gradually decrease the dosage down to a maintenance dose of 1-2g/day. This information is supported by a study done by Dr.Leung in China. The initial 10g/day dosage is extreme-the pills mostly come in 500mg doses which ends up being 20 pills/day but if you're desperate like me then it's worth it. I split mine up into 2 doses/day and dissolve the pills in a drink. It doesn't taste good but its better than having to take so many pills. I've read that smaller doses work but it may take longer to see results.
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Cindy (Milwaukee, WI) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I have had acne for years - was geting worse till I saw a site w. info on B5 for acne - B5 helped my acne.. About B5 - I'm not sure how/why it works - I take about 3,000 mg/day. But, it can cause hair loss - remedied by taking L-LYSINE (1,ooo mg), BIOTIN (1,ooo mg) and I also take Alpha Lipoic Acid 300mg.The B5 worked immediately for me- strange.