Tea Tree Oil for Acne

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Samantha (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 07/24/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Tea tree oil is amazing to put on pimples! I threw away my Benzamycin when I discovered this natural (and very powerful) alternative that actually works even better! A dermatologist told me he wouldn't prescribe Benzamycin anymore because it is toxic to your body and can even cause wrinkles long term. So definitely try Tea Tree Oil, you'll be happy you did!

Mary Ellen (Sonoma, Ca) on 05/21/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I use tea tree oil for acne over the years. It's very effective if you dip a q-tip in the oil and then apply to the pimple. Usually heals up within 24 hours unless it's a bad one, lol!

Mariah (Wisconsin) on 06/02/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered from acne since I was a teenager, I have tried everything from prescription medication, to name brand products, nothing worked and CONTINUED to work. Until now. I wash my face at night with generic anti-bacterial hand soap, after soaking my skin with a hot rag for a minute or so. I rinse the soap, wash again, to make sure I removed all my make up, then pat dry with a towel. After that I wet a cotton ball with a three part tea tree oil one part 3% hydrogen peroxide, and use it like a primer, and air dry. I use a normal moisturizer when I get out of the shower). My skin made an incredible improvement in just a few days. All together, it runs me about fifteen bucks. A wonderful price tag for the huge boost in my self confidence.
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Fee (Northern Territory, Australia) on 03/16/2012
5 out of 5 stars

3 drops of tea tree oil

2 tea bags of chamomile tea

in around 2 litres of warm water.

This homemade remedy heals acne and or related rashes.


Manda (Yorkton, Saskatchewan ) on 03/15/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I do not have bad acne but I get those pesky pimples that won't go away without scarring. My mom is really into herbal remedies and suggested tea tree oil. We use it for many reasons so I had some laying around. I tried it & It goes away fast, If it tingles 'good! That means it's working. But I find that if I use it too often my pimples become "immune" to it & I need to switch remedies for a few a bit then switch back. Not sure if I'm the only one this happens too. Good Luck :)

London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 08/08/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Tea tree oil is great for acne and wound healing. I have this really bad habit of picking my pimples and leaving big marks and scars that last for months on my face. I guess I get nervous, and I wont leave my face alone!! LOL... I had a cyst like pimple on my chin, that I had attempted to pop (unsuccessfully) for 3 days. It left a big black and blue mark on my chin. I begin soaking a cotton ball in water, draining the excess, and putting about 3 to 4 drops tea tree oil on the cotton, then swabbing my face, specifically the wounds from my zit picking crusades. I kid you not, by the next day, it was gone!! The scab had almost completely healed, it was very noticable. Very good for acne scars and wound healing.
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Pina (North Bergen, New Jersey) on 09/27/2009
5 out of 5 stars

i just wanted to share that teatree oil works amazingly on cold sores and acne. i felt a tingle on my upper lip and applied a drop of teatree oil a couple of times a day it is very drying so apply some lipbalm afterwards. apply on your pimples a few times daily as well.
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Elizabeth (Nashville, TN) on 05/23/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 29 year old that has been suffering off and on with adult acne since the age of 19. I've tried everything....zit creams, proactive, toners, scrubs..you name it. I took Accutane when I was 23 ( a six month dose) and it did clear it up for a couple of years. Although, if I had to do it again I probably wouldn't have taken Accutane b/c of all the possible side effects, but I digress. Anyways, I have been getting pimples that have been taking FOREVER to get rid of, so of course it leaves a red dot where the pimple was. This is what I have been doing for the past week and my pimples are virtually gone and the red spots are fading fast.

1) I wash my face morning and night with Castille soap...I also use baking soda as a scrub a couple times a week.

2) After I wash my face I apply hydrogen peroxide with a cottonball and let it air dry (I do this at night only)

3) I dampen my face and apply a 70/30 ratio of jojoba oil and tea tree oil. The tea tree oil is strong so I cut it with the jojoba oil.

4) Then I get a q-tip and drop some tea tree oil on it and apply directly to current blemishes and red spots.

5) After my skin soaks this up I then apply a pump of face lotion for sensitive skin...to moisturize.

6) If you are a woman and use liquid foundation....STOP...that stuff has so many chemicals in it...I always break out when I used it...now I use a mineral foundation that is made of natural ingredients and my skin can breathe!

That's it!!! I've only been doing this for a week and my skin feels and looks so much more clear and smooth, not to mention a more even-toned complexion. I've tried ACV for my skin and it did help at first but I started breaking out again. Plus, the tea tree oil makes your skin tingle...in a GOOD way! Now I need to work on my dark eye circles! They are BAD :(

Well, I hope this helps others with acne and the scars that go with it...
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Tim (LA, CA) on 05/08/2009
5 out of 5 stars

For pimples try tea tree oil... it will dry them out in no time. It smells bad so use it at night. Good luck. Tim

Vicki (Bridgewater, New Jersey) on 04/18/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered from adult acne for more than 20 years with it getting progressively worse no matter what the treatment. Prescription or over the counter, nothing worked. At any given time I would have anywhere from one to ten or more "lesions" and was NEVER without at least one. I've used products with tea tree oil in the past but never tea tree oil full strength. For the last 2 weeks I've been using full strenth tea tree oil and hydrocortisone cream and have seen wonderful results. I wet my face and use 3 or 4 drops of full strength tea tree oil and massage my face. It feels cool and refreshing. Then I use any facial cleanser and continue massaging and rinsing. Then I use and finger's length of hydrocortisone cream (I've been using maximum strength) and a drop or two of tea tree oil rubbed together and massaged into the skin until dry. The hydrocortisone cream has left my skin softer than any moisturizer. (I was never able to find a moisturizer that didn't make me break out.) And with the tea tree oil "wash" my face just cleared up without drying and I've had NO breakouts for more than a week, which hasn't happened for years! I'm hopeful for continued improvement and would like to know if anyone else has similar results.

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