Dietary Changes for Acne

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Carol (Michigan) on 04/06/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, for acne problems; STOP dairy, especially Milk and Ice Cream, and limit chocolate intake. My grandson had acne bad until I took him off those items; he's clear now. Although, when he eats the above items within a few days he breaks out! 🤔 I hope this helps you. Carol from Michigan
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Ev (Liv, Mi) on 09/29/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

I had acne issues into my 30's. I eventually went to an allergist for another issue and found out I was allergic to mold. I stopped eating cheese, mushrooms and other fermented products and to my surprise, no more acne. Cheese is the biggest trigger for acne for me and since I love it, I occasionally indulge, but within a day or two I'll have an acne issue.
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Michelle ( California) on 05/09/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

I had really bad acne for a while, it was very patterned, my chin, jaw line, and under cheeks. I stopped drinking milk and started using a cleanser with alpha hydroxy acid. My acne is all gone!

Marie (Hills Of Tn) on 01/05/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

I changed my diet after 15 years of cystic acne. I had read on Earth Clinic that it would help if I cut out dairy. I really have been shocked to see my cystic acne completely eliminated with no dairy. Its been almost 2 years. As soon as I have a little milk, I get zits that very night. With that said, I do drink/eat milk kefir every day, and we make it into icecream. This is so easy. Just drop kefir grains into the milk and leave at room temperature. The next day it is a probiotic beverage with 0 milk sugar. I use raw milk for this, not sure if pasteurized milk is the same ease of fermenting. Thanks Earth Clinic! Over the years, EC has changed our family's health dramatically!
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Ava (Los Angeles, California) on 12/15/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Yes! Totally! Eliminating dairy (for me anything from a cow - goat cheese and milk is ok) was the most important step I made towards clearing my acne. Try eliminating dairy and sugars - soft drinks (not good for you anyway! ), honey, candy, etc and watch your acne clear right up! Oh, and chocolate is a biggie, too! Chocolate makes me break out practically the second after I eat it!
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singer04 (California) on 05/25/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been struggling with adult acne for most of my adult life. But besides the acne I have had the following ailments: fatigue, depression, sharp head pains, vaginitis, rashes, distension of the stomach, cold hands/feet, etc.

Acne is not just about your face. It is just a reaction to whatever is happening inside your body. If you read up on Chinese face reading, the location of your acne indicates what is going wrong with your body. For example, when I had a chest cold the same area on my face would break out (either side, between my mouth and nose) which indicates the lungs. But even though I would see my Chinese herbalist/acupuncturist they would fix it but then it would come back, again and again.

Two months ago there were a lot of changes at my work and I was really stressed. My face broke out, the worst it's ever been. Nothing would calm it down. And even worse, I kept getting sick. Colds, flus, cough, etc. One after the other. It was exhausting. Then I went to a chiropractor who just happened to be gluten intolerant and she said that I was probably intolerant to gluten. I had nothing to lose, so I took gluten out of my diet. The first week I had a horrible headache that started everyday at 2pm, then I got sick again. But after three weeks, I started feeling better. My skin is flawless. It has never looked so great. I feel that my acupuncture appointments are even working better because I'm not constantly harming my body. I keep losing inches and my energy feels a lot better. My vaginitis is gone and my fatigue is dissipating.

Just a warning: the first few weeks are hard! The headaches were really painful and I kept getting sick but I feel so much better than before! Please remember that you are not doing this just for your skin but for you entire body. Your body is just trying to tell you something!

Another warning: Most gluten intolerants specialists don't want you to stop eating gluten before they test you because they need gluten in your system for the test to be accurate. (By the way, it's a really invasive test) I chose to remove it immediately because I don't care about the test. Even if they were to give me a positive test, the only thing they would do is to tell me not to eat gluten. It's not worth my time or effort.


Susan (Saginaw, Mi) on 12/02/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been dealing with very bad acne for quite some time and nothing worked to get rid of it. The doctor wanted to put me on birth control, antibiotics and if that didn't work then accutane!! Anyways, I did not want to take any medication for it. My friend had heard that an allergy to dairy products could cause acne and she gave up dairy and her acne disappeared. I thought I would give it a try.. Ever since my last day drinking a glass of milk, I have not gotten any new zits. It's been a week and a half and my face is almost completely clear!! It is amazing!! I am 30 yrs old and have been dealing with this since I was a teenager. So it is definitely worth giving a try before trying antibiotics and stuff.

Pureenergy (Los Angeles, Ca, Us) on 09/04/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

After suffering with adult acne for 15-years, it disappeared quite unexpectedly after changing my diet to vegan. No dairy (milk, cheese, ice-cream, yogurt) or meat products of any kind cured my adult acne problem. I did a 7-day juice fast to kick off this vegan way of living and my skin was amazing. After a year and a half of being vegan, my doctor suggested I begin eating fish for omega 3. He also said I was so healthy that I could indulge a little if I chose to; so I did! It only took a week for some acne to resurface from eating ice-cream, cow's butter and provolone cheese on 2 sandwiches. Skin is our biggest organ and it is the fastest way for the body to eliminate toxins. I believe the meat industry pumps the animals with antibiotics and hormones, which our bodies absorb when we consume it. If you cannot do a vegan diet, I would at a minimum eliminate dairy products from a cow. Try goat's cheese and milk, which is next on my list. As for meat, be sure to get organic free range GRASS FED! Cows can't easily digest corn or meal from corn. Check out a documentary called, "Food Inc." and see for yourself. Be well and healthy!
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Bob (London, U.K.) on 01/13/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Blood type diet cured my acne. Suffering from a bad case of adult acne for years, I tried many different conventional treatments (antibiotics, medicinal creams, facials etc.) as well as alternative ones (homeopathy, accupuncture, various diets etc.) but nothing worked. 8 years down the line, I bumped into the Blood Type Diet and decided to try it. Within a week my face cleared, I was amazed by the fast results! All that was left was the scarring, which got better with time. I recommended the diet to 2 friends (they were blood type A) and they had great results too. I hope this helps.
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Bluebirdofparadise (Billings, Mt) on 08/16/2009:
5 out of 5 stars


I just wanted to write tell about some things that seem to be curing my acne.

First of all, I used to get pimples on my butt and I found that it was from the lotion I used (or sometimes I'd use baby oil after a shower). Anything with mineral oil or petroleum jelly or or artificial stuff like that in it would give me pimples. It took me a little while to figure it out because I'm really into moisturizing my skin and it's something I'd been doing for a long time. When I switched to using virgin coconut oil or other virgin oils (olive, grapeseed, etc.) the problem disappeared.

However, I still got pimples on my face, back, and chest. It was really embarrassing to wear a swimsuit or a dress with a low back or anything, because they were all over (esp. my back). Well, a couple of months ago I decided to become a vegetarian (for reasons other than my acne). When I did this, I also became concerned about my nutrition and started taking a tablespoon or two of both unsulphured blackstrap molasses and brewer's yeast every day, in addition to eating a diet almost entirely of whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and cold-pressed (virgin) oils. I couldn't believe what was happening to me, but after a week or two the zits on my chest totally went away. Next they started disappearing on my back and now they are totally gone there, too (except for some little red scars where they used to be, but they are disappearing too). Now my face is clearing up as well - and I didn't even get any new ones when I got my period. I'm putting shea butter and lotions I make myself out of olive oil or almond oil and beeswax on my face. The shea butter really seems to help the scars disappear quickly. I tried using Pond's a couple of days ago but when I did I had a big zit under my eye by the evening.

I'm convinced that my acne was caused mostly by my diet. I realized this even more after I went to the fair a couple of weeks ago and ate a bunch of deep-fried food (still vegetarian but very high fat content!). The next couple of days my acne flared up again badly. A huge pimple on my cheek, one on my chin, lots of tiny ones on my forehead, and several on my back. It didn't matter what I was (or wasn't) putting on my skin. They just came, and benzol peroxide seemed to make the one on my cheek worse. Now that I've been back to "normal" (high-fiber, low fat vegetarian) about a week all the pimples are almost gone again (and no new ones have appeared).

I know a vegetarian diet sounds extreme but it is totally worth it to me. I feel so much better and healthier and more beautiful. I can look at myself in the mirror now and see smooth skin all the way up and down my body, front and back. I think I was just taking in more toxins to my body than it could handle. This wasn't easy for me to see as I am petite and thin for my size - so I wouldn't have guessed that too much fat/toxins in my diet were causing the problem. Now I am certain this is the case! Plus I feel better and more energetic and happier than I have in years. So in a nutshell - eating vegetarian/whole unprocessed foods, making sure my diet is nutritionally sound (blackstrap molasses and brewers yeast) and not putting chemicals or mineral oils on my skin is turning out to be a wonderful acne cure I wasn't expecting. If you can do it, I'm sure it will make you better too.
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