Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne

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Elaine (Pueblo, Co, Usa) on 05/11/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I'm 26 and have never had problems with Acne until about 6 months ago. I broke out on my cheeks and my chest. I have tried everything and even went to the dermatologist. He prescribed me Retin-a and a antibacterial face wash. Neither has helped at all. A couple weeks ago I read about ACV on this site and started using it every morning and night on my face. I wash my face with an organic face wash, then use a cotten ball to apply ACV to my face. I let it dry for about 5-6 minutes then I apply a moisturizer. Make sure to moisturize afterwards or it will really dry your skin.I also have been drinking a splash of ACV mixed with water daily. I can't believe how good my skin looks. The acne is almost completely gone, replaced by a healthy glow. I would recommend this to anyone with acne problems. It really is amazing.

Holly (Portland, Or, Usa) on 04/04/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Acne: Apple Cider Vinegar. CURED my non-inflammatory acne MUCH MUCH better than Retin-A!! I have a perscription for Retin-A, and have been taking it for months. It smells and i know it's bad for your skin as far as sun damage goes, so I've never used it on my face, where...for the last few years, I've had small under the skin bumps that are sort of annoying. I thought others were exaggerating on overnight success...but I kid you not, I dipped a cotton swab in ACV and ran it over the area, went to bed, woke up...excited to see the results, ran my fingers over bottom smooth! incredible! You smell a little funky, but it goes away in 2-3 minutes. Trying to ingest it too to see the results, and will try it on my legs and arms where I also have these bumps....will send results.

Toby (Wheeling, Wv, Us) on 01/18/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I have had amazing success using Apple Cider Vinegar for acne. I use the organic kind. I wash my face at night,towel dry, then dab the ACV on any troublesome areas. I let this dry and leave it on. In the morning, I rinse my face with warm water (no soap) and towel dry. I then dab the ACV again on any troublesome areas. A couple of times per day, I rinse my face with warm water only & towel dry.

Bonnie (Manlius, New York) on 01/12/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I just had to post my input on ACV for acne. It REALLY works and if you have acne, you MUST try it! I have used it topically every night...just a cotton balls worth rubbed into skin, then I wash it off with soap. Also, I drink two glasses of ACV, honey and water (2 tbls acv, one tsp honey and 8oz water) each day. I'm 40 and have had breakouts for years but this routine works. And my skin is amazing now. I do get the occasional pimple which I immediately attack with a q-tip full of hydrogen peroxide and that shrinks it and stops it from getting any bigger. But overall, the acv has cured my acne! I have recently started applying virgin coconut oil to my skin and that has really helped with skin tone as well as shrinking my pores. I'm so grateful to EC for this site...and to think I was wasting so much money on all those stupid chemicals when all I needed was acv. Keep posting!

Carp (Bronx, Ny, Usa) on 01/11/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar and water, 1:1 - success!

I'm in my late 20s, and have had moderate acne for 12 years or so. It had mostly subsided, but then a few months ago, flared up in a crazy, severe way. I tried modifying my diet and my face-wash routine, but it only seemed to get worse. Finally, I found this routine: every night before bed, I do a light swab with rubbing alcohol (I don't trust my usual soap anymore) to clean, then a light swab with the diluted ACV.

The results are astonishing. I don't want to speak too soon (I've only been on this regimen for 3 weeks now), but my skin is 97% clear and looking better every day. Good luck, everybody - and thank you!

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Radha (Urbandale, Ia) on 01/06/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Pure apple cider vinegar cured my acne in a week and a half. I have normal skin but tend to get the usual breakout around the end of the month... ;). At one point, my entire left cheek was covered in hard, red, itchy pimples and clear little dots everywhere. I started using a gentle exfoliator for my face wash. Then I would dip a cotton ball in ACV and rub it all over my face. Just a thin layer will do. Then i would sit for alittle bit and let it dry. The smell is something you'll get used to but the first night is terrible. Have the thin layer of ACV dry then apply just a light moisturizer then go to sleep. Make sure all your pimples and such are covered by the ACV. You aren't going to get amazing results over night if you have severe acne; but after about 3-4 days you'll start to see them slowly dry up. If you start to see puss rise up in some LEAVE THEM ALONE. Picking them will only leave a scar. This is my daily routine:) my face has cleared so amazingly. Hooked for life:)

Laura (Fort Worth, Tx) on 12/16/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is amazing! I am 38 yrs old and have sufferered from acne since my teens. My face has never been blemish free until now. I have spent thousands on medicines and OTCounter creams to no avail. What drove me to search online for help was that my forehead broke out all over in tiny bumps and nothing (even antibiotics) was taking it away. I was also on accutane in my early 20's for cystic acne, but since then, it was just regular acne I dealt with, plus tiny whiteheads all over my forehead.


I came across ACV reviews online and thought "what do I have to lose?" I bought the raw kind with the "mother" and I used it straight out of the bottle- applied w/ a cotton ball. It stung the heck out of my face, and stunk to high heaven, burned my eyes a little, but after a while, it settled down and I went to bed like that. Now when I use it, it tingles only a little and my eyes are fine... guess I have gotten use to it.

I woke up the next day and was ****amazed**** at the results!!!!!! I had already cut out sugar from my diet many months prior (and seen a little improvement), so this effect could only be attributable to the ACV. Within 3 days the tiny bumps had vanished and my skin was baby smooth.

I've used it now for about 2 months and my skin is beautiful and acne free!!!! I am scared that I will wake up one day and it wont' work the same, it is that good. Also, it does not dry out my skin like the meds.

I wish I could post a before and after picture of myself- but I thought I would at least share the good news and help some other poor soul who has given up hope. Maybe it will work for you, too.


Mcalzada (Encino, Ca, USA) on 09/02/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you for this site! I have suffered from acne for almost 20 years. Within the last 5 years I took processed sugar out of my diet completely which cleared up most of my acne, but I still had occasional breakouts and my skin had small bumps especially on my cheeks. I started using organic ACV as a topical astringent after washing my face in the morning and evening over my whole face. Within 2 days my skin was very smooth. Within 2 weeks my skin was glowing. Friends and family noticed the imporvement in my skin texture. ACV works wonders.

Amber (Buffalo, MN) on 05/02/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Acne: Using Apple Cider Vinegar. Get a spray bottle ( any size works). Mix 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar to 10 tsp of water in spray bottle. Use 2 times a day after washing the face or infected area. Before applying, make sure you shake the bottle. Keep away from eyes and lips. It will put moisture into your skin as well. Do not put lotion on area where you have used the acv/h20 mix. Do not over exceed the amount of vinegar as it can burn your face. Once your skin gets used to the amount of vinegar, slightly increase it.
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Cubensis (Bristol, Ct USA) on 01/11/2009
5 out of 5 stars

tea tree oil & acv cured my acne.

i've tried many, many, many methods to eliminate my acne over the past several years. from accutane to proactiv, from antibiotics to retin-a. after tossing all the over-the-counter stuff out the window, i've also tried lemon juice, baking soda, among some other more natural methods. however, none of the above mentioned sufficiently reduced my acne... and if they did, they left my skin red, dry and irritated.

...until i began experimenting with tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar. i tried TTO first. i purchased dr. bronner's organic TTO castile soap, and also organic TTO to use as a spot treatment. however, as i later found out, this particular soap only contains about 1-2% TTO. i later removed the TTO from my regimen, and experimented with ACV, while washing with unmedicated soap. my skin "felt" cleaner from day to day while ingesting the ACV, but my acne did not go away.


after much trial and error, i came up with a fantastic regimen combining both ACV and TTO. the necessary items for the regimen are:

*16oz bottle liquid Dr. Bronner's Unscented Baby-Mild
*1oz organic Tea Tree Oil
*organic ACV (i purchased a 32oz bottle, as it is more cost effective in larger quantities)

first, i poured about 1oz of dr. bronner's soap out of the bottle, to make room for the TTO. into this, i mixed the 1oz of organic TTO. this is equivalent to around 6-7%, or 1/16. i used the baby-mild so that i am able to determine the EXACT soap/TTO ratio by mixing in it myself... and also to avoid any other essential oils that may be otherwise drying or irritating.

so now for the actual regimen:

when you wake up, use a small squirt of the soap/TTO mixture (less than the size of a dime) to wash face. massage for a minute and rinse. do this again at night before you go to bed. this one bottle should last you several months. (this can also be used to wash your back/chest in the shower, if applicable)

as for the ACV, as previously mentioned all over this website, mix 2 tablespoons with about 8oz of water and drink. do this 3 times a day.


honestly, you will feel this starting to work within the first few days. you will see VISIBLE improvements. however, it may be a few weeks before your acne is completely gone. i've been struggling for years with this condition, and i was definitely no longer interested in destroying my skin with harsh chemicals, swallowing and depending on antibiotics, and spending hundreds of dollars trying new things when the next thing in line failed. try this. it's that good.


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