Aloe Vera for Acid Reflux

5 star (27) 

Ellen (Scott City, Kansas) on 01/10/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Take Aloe vera for acid reflux treatment
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Ellen D (USA) on 01/10/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I got acid reflux after having taken aspirin daily for about two weeks (for chronic headache). That was many years ago but my stomach is still sensitive to spicy foods, too much grease, etc. I have found that if I cut a leaf off my Aloe vera plant, peel off the leathery skin and eat the slimy jelly-like inner part of the leaf, it soothes my throat and settles my stomach. (This remedy was told to me by a Japanese friend, who said that's what people do in Japan.)
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Zinnia (Wappingers Falls, New York) on 06/04/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

My daughter Stefanie developed an acid reflux. She was given an anti acid Rx. It temporarity stopped. I researched the wonders of Aloe Vera and found that it treated her. Since then whenever it occurs, I give her juice mixed with Aloe Vera juice. It works wonder.
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Linda (Palestine, TX) on 04/27/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have LPR (Larngopharyngeal reflux). I drink 4 oz. of Aloe Vera juice each morning on an empty stomach. I am able to eat anything I like, without heartburn or indigestion, which also curbs the LPR created by the acid reflux.
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Shalese (Syracuse, Utah) on 03/11/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I started taking aloe vera juice 1 week ago I had come to the end of my rope after being on aciphex for heartburn for 5 years. then being told to double up on my dose. that did not even work anymore I had such bad heartburn I thought I would never make it through the day. I called my doctor and he told me to come pick up samples for other meds. I decided I was sick of the meds. so I went to my local Health foods store looking for answers. They told me to take aloe vera juice about 2oz- 8oz a day. I didn't think it would work,but i was desperate. I took it that day and it did nothing! I still slept like crap that night. but the next day i took it. after the second time i took it my heartburn just went away. It hasent returned for 1 week. I have not taken any meds whatsoever. but yet I feel gassy. But I still would rather have gas instead of heartburn anyday. if anyone knows anything how to get rid of severe gas contact me please.
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Toni (Palm Desert, CA) on 02/27/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have bouts of acid reflux, and am therefore intrigued by the Apple Cider Vinegar remedy. Like a number of the people who responded to your posting, I, too, ended up in the emergency room on more than one occasion surrounded by perplexed physicians. Since I won't take pharmaceuticals, I began experimenting with natural remedies, and have found that taking an ounce of Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Concentrate before each meal stops any unpleasant symptoms. Interestingly, aloe tastes a little like ACV. In addition to the aloe, I have found that chewing each mouth-full of (wholesome) food thoroughly before swallowing helps enormously. This takes much of the digestive burden off of the stomach. It's important to eat your meal slowly, chewing each bite of food until it's totally pulverized. Too many of us eat under stressful conditions, devouring our meal like it's the first we've seen in days. DGL-500 (deglycyrrhizinated licorice), Ayurved series, is also quite helpful when taken between meals or at bedtime. It helps to protect the stomach lining, and unlike regular licorice, will not elevate blood-pressure.
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Susan (Bayfield, CO) on 04/09/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I found that drinking a half cup of aloe vera juice mixed with apple or white grape juice in the morning relieved symptoms dramatically. I occasionally get symptoms if I over indulge spices or greasy foods!
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