10 Tips for Enhancing Brain Development in Toddlers

Modified on Jan 19, 2016 | Earth Clinic Team

by Mama to Many |  February 18, 2014

1. Breastfeed your baby if at all possible.     

Human milk is perfectly designed for human babies. It helps baby's immunity, is easiest on the gut, and it is good for his brain! The fat and cholesterol found in breast milk are critical for brain development. Additionally, the interaction that occurs between mother and baby during feeding time does contribute positively to baby's development. Propping a baby in a car seat and feeding him keeps him from the critical physical contact that is provided by a nursing relationship. If for some reason a baby cannot be breastfed, hold him while bottle feeding. And whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding, use that time to enjoy your baby, not to hang out on your i device. I have breastfed all of my babies for one to two years. I don't regret one minute of it.

2. Play classical music for your babies and toddlers.   

Studies and my own experience have convinced me of the importance of music in the development of children. But not all music is equal. There is something special in the patterns and sounds in classical music that is helpful to the human brain. It also maximizes their music potential to listen to excellent music. My husband and I are not particularly musical, but our children are extremely musical. Several of them have perfect pitch. They all play musical instruments. Yes, they must have some natural talent, they have interest, and have had lessons, but I am convinced that early exposure to good music has maximize their musical (and other intellectual) development. One of my sons could play the piano before he could read. He used to sit at the feet of his older brother, under the piano, as the older brother practiced.

A good time to play classical music for babies is when they are falling asleep. Playing it while they play is great, too!

3. Talk to your little ones.

Speech development begins at birth. Babies in different countries babble differently based on the sounds they hear from those around them. When you go outside, point things out and name them. Older babies and toddlers will quickly begin to repeat things back to you. "Building," "Flower," "Cloud," etc. Libraries have books for parents with games to play with babies and toddlers. These little interactions add up and contribute to the child's development and his security.

4. Physical interaction is important for babies.

As aforementioned, feeding baby is a time for physical interaction. Rocking babies to sleep is comforting for babies and relaxing for parents. Holding hands as you take a walk, sitting together reading books, and goodnight hugs are all surprisingly important for a child's proper brain development. Babies in orphanages miss these important times in many cases. This can cause "failure to thrive" and lifelong relational problems for the child.

5. Include your little one in your life as much as you can.  

Include them in what you like to do. I like to cook. As soon as they could, my children have sat on a stool at the counter watching and "helping." It took extra time, but we were together and having fun. Learning fractions, when the time came, was a piece of cake for my children,. I think this is because of all the cooking we did. One half, one quarter, etc. was very meaningful because of all the recipes we worked on together. This time together is excellent for their emotional development and speech development.

6. Strictly limit screen time.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time (TV or computer) for children under the age of two. After that, they recommend no more than one to two hours a day of screen time. They believe that too much screen time is linked to obesity, violence, sleep problems, behavior problems, impaired academic performance, and less time for creative play.

As a parent and educator, my own experience and observation support these concerns.

7. Exercise is important for everyone, even babies     

Little babies need time on their backs to stretch and kick and time on their tummies to push themselves up. Babies need a safe place to crawl. Ruth Beechick, a reading specialist, says that crawling is needed for proper brain and neurological development. Even in the winter, it is good to bundle baby up for a little bit of fresh air. Toddlers should have time outside each day. Collecting leaves and acorns, digging in the dirt, balancing on a log, while unstructured, are learning activities for them.

8. Invest in creative toys.   

Our house has had sets of blocks, a kitchen set, building toys, etc since day one. Creative toys do not have to be expensive. One time my husband had some lumber left over from a building project. He cut it up into various sizes. This is still a building toy they enjoyed. When I was a young parent, I was convinced that spending lots of time in creative play and avoiding electronic entertainment would help my children to become constructive and creative as adults. This theory has been confirmed as my children have grown up. There has been a time and place for media in our home and it has had a necessary place in their education and development living in a high tech society, but I am glad it has not been a primary factor in their upbringing.  

9. Read to your children every day, beginning when they are babies.    

At six to nine months old, my little ones will sit in my lap to listen to a couple of board books. This is so good for them. Positive interaction with a parent is healthy for them emotionally. The words they hear quickly become the words they speak. The single best thing you can do to help you child learn to read is to read to him. When I taught first grade, I noticed that children whose parents read to them had a distinct advantage over the ones who did not. Not only did they learn to read much more easily, all academics were easier for them. For some reason, hearing words and sentences on TV does not have the same effect as having a real person (especially a loved one) read to them.  

10. Feed your children healthy food.    

Food matters. Growing bodies need good nutrition. Processed food and processed sugar, and artificial sweeteners are keeping children from necessary nutrients and are harming their health. Limiting fast food and junk food are critical to the health, including brain health of children. Food dye, MSG, and processed foods do affect children adversely. Teach your children to enjoy a snack of a banana or an apple instead of chips and crackers.

Enjoy your children. Talk with them. Take walks with them. Go to the park together. Enjoy meals together (without computers or TVs!) Read together. Help them with their homework. Children know when they are cherished. Children who know that have self-confidence and a distinct advantage in their learning.






About The Author

Mama to Many from Tennessee, USA is a 46 year old mama to 9 children, ages 2-20.  She began studying natural health when her first child was born.  Finding success with some simple home remedies motivated her to continue to study and learn more about natural healing.  Mama to Many has always loved children and taught in public school before having children of her own. She currently lives on a small farm in Tennessee with her husband, children and a variety of animals, including cows, goats, chickens, cats and a very large dog.

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