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Natural Remedies for Fever in Children: Safe and Effective Treatments

Modified on Jan 27, 2024

Fevers in children, while often a sign of the body fighting infection, can be a source of concern for parents. While medical advice is crucial, especially for high fevers or additional symptoms, natural remedies can help manage mild fevers and ensure your child's comfort.

Understanding Fever in Children: Causes and Symptoms

A fever, typically indicated by a body temperature above 100.4°F (38°C), can result from various causes such as infections (viral or bacterial), immunizations, or overheating. Symptoms accompanying a fever may include sweating, chills, headache, muscle aches, and dehydration.

Gentle and Natural Approaches to Managing Fever in Children

Egg Whites

Egg whites applied to the feet are a popular home remedy for reducing fever in children on Earth Clinic. This method involves soaking clean cloth or cotton pads in egg whites and placing them on the soles of the child's feet, then covering them with socks. The egg whites are believed to draw heat away from the body, aiding in lowering the fever. 

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    List of Remedies for Fever in Children