Turmeric for Impetigo In Children

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Debbi (Monsey, Ny) on 12/24/2014
5 out of 5 stars

My 6 yr old daughter was diagnosed with staph impetigo. Dermatologist prescribed antibiotics, mupirocin cream and hibiclens wash.

I discovered this website and decided not to give the antibiotics. I washed her daily with the hibiclens wash and gave her turmeric once a day (opened up the capsule, mixed it with a little juice). I also made a paste with the turmeric and applied it on her wounds after washing it.

After literally two days I saw a tremendous difference; it's now 5 days after starting to do this and it is healing beautifully. Hope it continues this way.

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Ang (uckland, New Zealand) on 02/01/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you for your wonderful website! I tried your tumeric cure on my 8 1/2 year old son, who just recently had school sores (impetigo), and then started to develop a boil (which is exactly what happened last time he had school sores at age 5 - he then went on to have boils for about 4 months). I gave him a tsp of tumeric in a chocolate milkshake 3 x per day for two days and the boil totally dried up and didn't get big or painful...and, no more boils have developed after 1 week! Awesome!!