Below, Balticseaviking shares his experience using a homemade remedy after being diagnosed with prostate cancer and dealing with high blood pressure. He crafted a formula including a cayenne tincture made with habanero peppers, a garlic tincture, apple cider vinegar (ACV), Lugol's iodine, tomato juice, purified water, and baking soda. He described the mixture as hot but pleasant and noted that they gradually increased the tincture dosage. After following this regimen, Balticseaviking reports clear scans and normal blood pressure.
Below, Balticseaviking shares his experience using a homemade remedy after being diagnosed with prostate cancer and dealing with high blood pressure. He crafted a formula including a cayenne tincture made with habanero peppers, a garlic tincture, apple cider vinegar (ACV), Lugol's iodine, tomato juice, purified water, and baking soda. He described the mixture as hot but pleasant and noted that they gradually increased the tincture dosage. After following this regimen, Balticseaviking reports clear scans and normal blood pressure.