Taking MSM and Silica and Experiencing Severe Side Effects

Posted By David (Germany) on 12/07/2015

Dear earthclinic,

I wanted to follow a natural impuls to detox my body. I did not follow any great advertisment, other than wanting to find out if I have any heavy metals in my body stored that possibly want to go be released. I am leaning towards a lifestyle in which the main focus is to increase consciousness, a meditative lifestyle you could call it and due to nutrition, I have experienced what you would call brain-fog. Of course this differs from a regular brain-fog, but even when getting more clear, experience differences in perception, you still know and then due to higher sensitivity, more easily then ever, know when perception tunnels. And so you want to clear out even that what seems to be the last bit. I also felt a pain in my stomach when lying down on my back, similar to feeling full after eating. Also I "miss" the fresh feeling a few months ago when I did a juice cleanse and aenima, totally gone. And so I thought why not give that a try.

Now I did take MSM and silica.

MSM link
Silica link

Started with 2 TSP a day for 2 days and on the 3rd, yesterday, took 3.

I want to mention a very important happening. I was gifted an organic chocolate candy (no need to be really precise) in which was several natural ingredients and also a type of "natural" inverted sugar contained.

Do eat very less sugar if any at all otherwise can forget meditating. At the day I then took MSM the first time I ate the entire gift.

That evening I have experienced the type of feeling your body expresses when you brought yourself in the state of what we call "fever" or "fever-like" symptoms. Where the body wants to avoid cold at all time. Feeling it chills right into the bone. Extreme lethargy and just wants to rest. There is also an associated, very distinct feeling inside the brain that goes along with it.

No idea if from MSM or from the candy. That is why I want to mention it

What I have later on read up seems to be the sinuses. If so, in what way and from what?

The day later around evening it had almost cleared.

And at that day, the day after my first intake of MSM, I started to take the silica aswell.

The taste of it, the dry feeling was okay. What was not okay at all, to my bodily awareness, was the sharp taste afterwards. A very slight but noticable burning sensation on my tongue, gums, throat.

MSM was fine, the slight bitter taste to it, totally acceptable. To a degree that I increased the intake to, as said, 3 TSP on the 3rd day. Yesterday.

At that day I took also 2 TSP of silica.

A craving overcame me and I did what I rarely do, I ate a pizza with mozarella. Usually my food is a warm fruit smoothie in the morning/noon, warm water only to drink during the day and evening a slightly warmed all-inclusive salad with toasted bread. I ate the pizza really late, sort of a really stupid experiment, I'd now call it. I was fascinated by the cozy feeling I had in my stomach after eating it (long time no dairy), wanted to meditate but couldnt but simply enjoyed the wonderful feeling in my belly. But that aswell was accompanied with a dizziness.

Reason for this sudden joy of feeling this warmth of such a simple and apparent "junk" food was due to feeling mostly cold, living in norther climate, vegan/raw lifestyle and meditating. You are basicly getting super-yin. Yes, super conductive and increased sensitivity and every beautiful except warmth. And this body wants it warm. Constant cold hands and feet outside of meditation is just super uncomfortable and is one of the last issues I have not yet figured out. I have often thought about throwing the entire yogic / sattvic diet into the trash, whats the point if you dont enjoy living in your body? The sole reason to continue was a mere idea or hope that with inceased energy-levels, more conductivity inside my body, warmth would naturally return. Also a major reason why even MSM, silica.

This day, 4th day, everything went upside down

I woke up with the right side of my head feeling fuller then my left side. Esp behind eye and ear. Also somewhat clogged. It was the same feeling I had in my brain which example I gave above, but this time I could feel a heaviness in it. Shaking my head by brain hurt, what it normally never does. I remember that feeling from the fever-situation.

Headache without a headache. It was not a usual headache. I never ever had migrane, I do not even know what that term means from self-experience, surely from purely read-up information as a continuous form of headache, but not from having it myself. And I dont want to form a belief I do now have. The cause of it just is around the corner to be discovered and released. It is a headache in "parts" of my brain, rather localized in combination with my neck, right side of my muscles there and spine. Not a spinal pain, but more the muscles. Like the most severe form of muscle tension due to an intense cold breeze or bad posture (like in my case with a history of sitting) you could imagine.

Does this all come from the sinus?

I took the MSM this morning as before, 1 TSP and as I took the the silica 30min after, I just wanted to say goodbye.

The sharp(-taste) like feeling of the silica was stronger felt than before. I also noticed how my eyes are feeling dry (reason for this topic) and sore, which never happened before. I drink more than 2litres per day. This plus the headache (reason for this topic), basicly all eye-sensory looking around in our hours lead to more headache. Especially looking at this screen, more headache. Fascinatingly enough, going outside also because the Sun is getting through today, a relief. I am aware of the diffrent levels of hydrogen of our atmosphere and how it affects our mind. But no awareness what this has to do with all this strain and pain in my head. It seems the more denser things I look at, the more pain in my head. Bending, leaning over in any way increases the pain in my head and pulsation is felt (apparently sinuses, again)

So mostly all of it is related to my eyes and my brain

I don't wear glasses, my vision is perfect.

You can see I am, from an informational standpoint, Utterly confused why MSM or silica would help me. Just to remain with MSM, I have experienced the Causes (not the symptoms) showing as sinus "infection" (?) and dry eyes since I took MSM. I never had any pain in my head, in my entire life, that feels like a cartoony-speaking "lump" in the mid to right side of my brain. Lump in terms of that I feel this side of my brain. I never feel any side of my brain. You never feel any specific guts except there is information from the body, that you, as consciousness residing in this body, want to please adress this issue.

Following the internet to relief myself from all of these symptoms I should now take in MSM.

What is actually going on on this planet, confusion wise?

I am well aware of detox symptoms, from juicing or fasting. But this, especially in combination with the given information... just a big questionmark followed by a notion of "shut ever off, follow the most natural way possible, there is no MSM naturally occuring in powder, there is no silica at your hand, why do you take it, eat whole-natural foods like nature provides it and you are fine."

For the love of releasing and finding oneself in a more clear space again, remaining fully open to a possible help by these substances, completely unbiased from what I have read or possible am gonna read here:

Are you familiar with what is happening here?

And why would I continue to take these powders?

With kind regards,

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