Supplements for a nursing mom

Posted By Concernedmom (New York) on 09/04/2012

To anyone who can help, I am currently nursing a six month old baby and experiencing some vitamin difficiencies. I was wondering if anyone could recomend good supplements for nursing mothers.

Would taking Lugols Iodine drops with water would be safe for me? I am experiencing fatigue, hair loss, constipation and occasional joint pain in my kness. I believe due to floride presence in my body, I only have a chlorine filter.

Or would wheat grass juice would be a better supplement for me especially for constipation and overall health? I need some suggestions as to what supplements are good for nursing mothers to strengthen their bodies and to promote a healthy breast milk. Also, any balanced diet suggestions are also welcome. I am already off all processed foods and only eat homemade food and lots of fruits and vegetables.

Thank you all in advance :)


Replied by Heather (Leicester) on 09/04/2012

Hi, I remember reading posts Ted had made on this- he underlined how nursing mums should guard against deficiencies. Sorry I can't remember what he advised. But if you search around this site you should find it x

Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/05/2012

Concernedmom, I remember that from nursing days. What ultimately made the most difference for me was taking BSM. At first I took it twice a day, and as time went on and I noticed more strength, I backed down to once a day. (Now I take it once in a few days). I take a tablespoon in 3/4 glass of hot water and mix till melted. I top up with soymilk and that's my "coffee"!

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/05/2012

Hi Concernedmom, I nursed all five of my kids. It was an interesting process because I remember my first time, the milk would just flood out of my body! I had bags of milk in the freezer for times when I would leave to teach. It was amazing. By my fifth, I nursed sufficiently but it wasn't overflowing... My suggestion to you is to make sure you are taking in a varied and healthy diet which would include substantial protein, good fats and lots of greens. And green juicing is always beneficial! Read Weston Price's work to get an idea. I follow his guidelines and have never felt better! Hope this helps, Lisa

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