What is the Ideal MSM Dosage Per Day to See Results?

Posted By Zmerrill4361 (Upstate Ny) on 12/04/2015

I've been taking msm and a complex c with bioflavnoids for about 1.5 months now. At first I was taking msm tablets and thought I was a tough guy and started up at 3 grams a day.... Well I wasn't, I had horrible detox effects... So I switched to pure powder and slowly ramped back up to 3 grams a day all at once in a concentrated "shot" with water ... But all I feel from it is an energy boost equivalent to a cup of coffee (that lasts longer) so I've been doing a lot of research and got no answer.

As far as how much msm should one take in a day? When does one see the benefits from taking it?

Thank you


Replied by Susan (California) on 12/04/2015

I take 20 grams a day. I started at 1 gram and worked myself up one gram a day until I reached 20 grams. My Achilles tendon is much better.
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Replied by Art (California ) on 12/04/2015

Some people can not tolerate MSM at 20 grams per day even with a slow buildup. Some people report benefit at 5 grams per day or less, but it is very individual and some experimentation is needed to find the optimum dose per person as some people report negative side effects at 5 grams per day or more.


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