Electrolyte and Reducing Agent for Colloidal Silver

Posted By Dan (Florida) on 02/07/2018

Hi and thanks for such a great web site! I am new to colloidal silver and started making my own today. I was watching Deidre YouTube video on how to make the reducing agent and the electrolyte solution. I have made both of them, no problem, my question is, the video states for the reducing agent to add 5 drops to the ionic silver, but 5 drops to what quantity? I am making 32 oz batches (mason jar). The electrolyte solution states to add 20 drops to the ionic silver, again to what amount of ionic silver? I hope I explained myself, in other words need ratios.

Thanks in Advance,


EC: Add 20 drops of the electrolyte solution to a sterile 1 quart mason jar filled with distilled water. Stir with wooden spoon before you turn on the machine if you are not using a magnetic stirrer. 

Once the process is finished and you've produced a batch of 20 ppm ionic silver, add 5 drops of the reducing agent (karo or golden syrup solution) to make 20 ppm Colloidal Silver.


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