Posted By Jaques (Brighton, England) on 11/21/2007

I am 58, have had a lifetime of stomach problems - now diagnosed with hiatal hernia/acid reflux, taking omeprazol, 40mg a day, main problem is always have loose stools and worst very sore eosophagus/throat, had biopsy on what looked like Barrets but negative. However, dont like taking pills, tried 2 tbls acv with 1/4 tsp bicarb soda in 1/2 glass water for 5 days lst thing and last thing at night on empty stomach - also did oil pulling - immediately on drinking the remedy my eosophagus/throat hurt even with bicarb added, my mouth which has burned, esp my tongue, for 10 yrs, became even more sore and the "runs" worsened. first I thought it would improve but I couldnt sleep at all, felt agitated and as I have very high BP which medication isnt helping, I decided to go back on the stomach pills. Having read peoples positive results I felt sure acv would help me with my stomach/BP and high cholestorol - I eat a very healthy diet, dont smoke, exercise, am slim, I really dont know what to do next or why this acv works for so many and makes me worse - if anyone has any ideas Id be grateful? Thank you. Jaques

Replied by Joyce (Joelton, TN)

To Jacques from Brighton, England (11/21/07) and Yadira from Los Angeles (ll/21/07 Try eliminating all bleached flour from your diet and see if your stomach/Gastrointestinal problems go away. I had the same problems until I stumbled onto the fact that bleached flour was the major culprit instead of the sausage and other spicy foods that I had been blaming them on. You may find (as I do) that your stomach will not tolerate citrus juice or tomato juice from a metal can. I have no problem with the same juices fresh, frozen, or in glass jars. Hope this works for you but eliminating it takes some diligence.

Replied by Sharon (OKC, OK) on 12/30/2007

Response to Jacques in England..I would recommend she get checked for Candida (yeast) as well at gluten test..If they have LIVE BLOOD CELL TEST that can check for yeast& lots of other things and do either a stool or saliva test for gluten..of course as long as she hasnt been feeling well a GI doc should be able to do a colonoscopy and see if her small intestine is damaged from the gluten..worth a try..good luck..I'm still battling my condition as well..dont give up!!

Replied by Amber (Royal Oak, MI) on 12/10/2007

11/21/07 Sharon from OKC wrote about her burning mouth and stomach problems and that she was diagnosed with Celiac disease. Jaques from Brighton England wrote that he also has had a burning mouth for 10 years and have stomach problems. I think Jaques should get checked for Celiac disease since it can go undiagnosed for a long time.

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