Where Can I Buy Apple Cider Vinegar in Paris, France?

Posted By Barbara (Los Angeles, California. USA) on 03/22/2012

Where can I buy this in Paris France?
REPLY   1      

Replied by Courtney (Granite Bay, Ca) on 03/23/2012

I wouldn't think it would be difficult to find in Paris. I would look for it in the salad dressing (oils, vinegars, etc.) aisle in a supermarket. It may not be organic, but it will still do the trick. I am testimony to that. I use the non-organic ACV and it works great. When I switched to the organic brand, my symptoms returned. Everyone is different. :)

The regular ACV should be easy enough to find though and really... It works just as well as the organic. In my case, it worked even better.


Replied by Suzanne (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 03/24/2012

Make sure to read the label if you are buying it at the grocery store---actually you should always read labels! I don't know what it's like in France but here in the USA sometimes when you think you are buying vinegar you are actually getting an artificial product made from petroleum---yuck!

Replied by Jeremy (Paris, France) on 08/19/2017

Thank you so much. Because I want to get ride off my mole from my face.

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