Using Methylene Blue As a Brain Fog Treatment

Posted By Benni (San Diego, Ca) on 03/04/2013

Questions regarding Methylene Blue

Please, if there are any smarty pants out there who are in the know, I'd appreciate a response. I have been experimenting with MB this past week for brain fog, chronic fatigue, and yeast issues using's Ted's 0.1% solution which, thanks to all the folks on EC who are smarter than I am, I was able to make following the instruction for diluting 2.3% from an aquarium supply store.

I am taking 2-4 drops per day, 2-3 times per day in sodium ascorbate. It is premature to comment on effects, but I will just say it is promising enough to continue the experiment, but not what I expected. Mostly, I am noticing an increased ability to solve problems and to focus (much like I experienced while taking the drug, Provigil) and decreased anxiety in dealing with interpersonal issues that used to really stress me out. But, this could be placebo. I have noticed no increase in physical energy but the brain seems to be more active and I am sleeping better, and dreaming and recalling dreams -- all of which makes me think something good may be happening but I need months, not days, to come to a definitive conclusion.

My main question is: I am researching various scientific studies on MB, but actually cannot figure out how many micro or milligrams I am ingesting per drop, because I suck at math naturally, and am taking this for severe brain fog. If anyone can provide a rough estimate for a drop, I'd appreciate that so that I can compare how much I am consuming with the amounts used in various studies out there. It seems I saw this somewhere on EC previously, but I've searched and searched and cannot figure it out.

A second question is that I am eager to start using BHT for liver and viral issues but am concerned that I could damage myself taking both at the same time, especially since they are both antiviral, and I already take coconut oil, lysine, Lugols (1-2 drops per day) turmeric, and other vitamins and minerals regulalry.

Can anyone weigh in on whether taking them together is a dumb idea?

Comment: I'm a decaf drinker who ran out of decaf and stupidly decided to drink some regular coffee this week. On the two occassions that I had 16 oz of regular coffee while taking the MB, I got a super coffee buzz. So be forewarned. I think it excites the brain way too much. No effect from decaf though.

Thanks in advance for your kind assistance. I am working hard at a cure that I hope will help others in my circumstances.

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Replied by Kerry M (Sheffield, South Yorkshire) on 04/10/2013

Hi, I've been I'll for over a year with eventual symptoms of chronic fatigue. I think all my problems are down to yeast overgrowth so I'm now on an anti-candida diet with lots of extra herbs/treatments and 50mg fluconozole daily (when I come off the fluconozole the brain fog returns within 2 days. I am following Ted's protocol, ie hydrogen peroxide, lemon and bicarbonate, borax and methylene blue, The methylene blue I use is 1% and rather than dilute it I just add 1 drop to a glass of water 3x per day, that works out 5x the recommended dose of 2drops of 0. 1%. On average you get 16 drops/ml and that works my dose out to be 5/8mg per drop. Ted's dose is 1/5 of that which is 1/8mg; that is for 2drops of 0. 1%. I did think about reducing my dose, but it is still very low and I feel it really has an affect on the way I function in a positive way. Research considers 15mg/day as sub therapeutic so I am not too sure what they would call our dose! I also take natural organic yoghurt, no carbs, aged old garlic capsules, cinnamon capsules, probiotics 20 billion, multi-vitamin including 2. 5g of vit C, magnesium, calcium, candida clear, omega 3, caprylic acid, fluconozole and neem(not convinced about this, but take it on the basis that it helps prevent viruses), I also have a big tub of coconut oil and I eat about 1-2 table spoons per day straight out of the tub, it is like coconut flavored lard, but I have it because I think this is fantastic against candida and my symptoms reduce dramatically after taking it. I have now been doing this for 2 months and my symptoms are slowly reducing, I very rarely have problems with concentration and brain fog, I still get bone and muscle pain, pins and needles, but they aren't bad and don't affect my life. Also I take everything together and have one cup of coffee a day. I don't take any other medication and that includes painkillers or anti-depressants that I were on until I started the fluconozole in January. The last painkillers I took made me sleep for days. I saw infectious diseases and they told me to manage this problem myself so here I am managing it myself with just a little help from my GP with the fluconozole prescription. I also try to eat organic food, but not all the time. I hope this is useful, I am giving 100% as I am determined to rid my body of yeast and hence chronic fatigue. I also have read the yeast syndrome book that explains why yeast is such a problem in the western society, it's definitely worth getting, it made me realize that this problem isn't all in my head it's pathological and obviously treatable and curable. Take care
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Replied by Mary (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) on 05/12/2013

Well done Kerry you are really inspiring to me. I have bought the methylene blue but am a bit scared to use it. It is a big stretch for me to use the borax but I do.

Love to hear how your improvements go over time.

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Replied by Benni (San Diego, California) on 05/18/2013

UPDATE; Four months of Methylene Blue.

It has no effect on chronic fatigue - doesn't give me any energy; also doesn't keep me up at night if I take it right before bed.

There are two areas where it seems to have worked magic: Cysts and Anxiety; as well as other benefits for insomnia and problem solving.

It did clear up my long term liver/kidney/diaphram/intestinal cysts, and for that, I am very grateful. I stopped taking it for about a week, and the pain radiating from what used to be the most painful cyst began to return, so I am sure this is what fixed them, although I have no idea why it came back and whether to continue taking MB indefinitely.

Anxiety: There's something about MB that fixes my generalized anxiety. It's fairly miraculous in that regard. I did not take it for anxiety, but I notice an improvement (almost total resolution) when I take it. As a result, don't need xanax. Again not sure whether it is safe to take indefinitely for anxiety.

Along with the reduced anxiety, it helps me to focus more on problem solving. Not a complete resolution but a definite improvement. I have chronic fatigue related brain fog, and it definitely gives a boost in that department so I can see why it is being used successfully in Alzheimer's patients.

I think I am sleeping better -- deeper sleep, not getting up so much in the middle of the night, because of the MB, which is huge because I've lived through 25 years of insomnia. Used to take RX sleeping pills of various kinds (4-5 days per week) but not taking them anymore.

When I first started the MB in Feb 2013, I experienced significant tingling in my head (felt like brain buzzing). I was taking several milligrams of melatonin per night, and drinking coffee during the day. Both of those were a problem while taking MB but now, after a few months, I am able to drink a regular cup of coffee now and then with no adverse reactions. I also take a much lower dose (1. 5 mg) melatonin with no side effects. For some reason, tea creates no problems.

MB had no effect on yeast/candida, herpes related virus, or fungal infections.

Other than occassional "brain buzzing", I think MB may have a negative effect on vision (blurrier, esp at higher doses). It MAY have a positive effect on acne but I've been taking a skin/nail/hair formula as well and think it is because of that that my acne has improved.

I am taking 3-5 drops of 0.1% per day.

Perhaps E.C can cross post this to Anxiety/panic attacks; and intestinal cysts.

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Replied by Kerry M.7 (Sheffield, Uk) on 09/27/2013

An update of how I am going on, I have just read what I wrote in May that I cannot remember writing!!

Off fluconozole now and all symptoms have gone (well 99%), because I am still aware of some! I can eat a normal diet and drink alcohol, but there is no and I mean no depression, no down days and recently no tingling/numbness and there has been no head fog for months. I cannot believe I am cured of what I believe is chronic fatigue! Please do what I did and still do and go for Ted's protocol and antifungals that I still take.

I still take all the probiotics and antifungals with extra Pau D'arco and turmeric. I also looked and chitin synthesis inhibitors and DHEA that promotes my immune system. This has taken me 9 months to get rid off and I believe that anybody who has chronic fatigue, fungus, fibromyalgia can cure themselves with the treatment like I have done. It takes 40-50 tablets a day, but it's worth it because my life is normal now and one thing I do is not listen to anybody apart from the one who is suffering like I was. Please let this help you and good look to you all. X

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Replied by Prioris (Fl) on 10/17/2013

Chronic Fatique is a waste basket diagnosis. This means it could be a hundred things.

Chronic Fatique Syndrome can be unofficially diagnosed with a low cost ciguatoxin test. People with ME/CFIDS/CFS will have 10X to 100X levels of the ciguatoxin than people with shellfish poisoning. Plus it is a different epitope. It is caused by an unknown primary infection. The origin of infection is from vaccinations.

There are people who contend they are cured from CFS. The problem with that is the ciguatoxin attacks the nervous system and sticks to the nerve and brain cells causing the sodium cell membrane channels to remain open thereby swelling and inflamming the attacked cells bit more importantly it stays in the body. You do not want to be diagnosed with this or have this.


Replied by Kerry M. (England) on 10/30/2013

Hi, I had symptoms of chronic fatigue, I was never diagnosed of having chronic fatigue and that is because it would only hinder insurance policies and work opportunities. On average it takes 5 years to be diagnosed, I had had most tests via my GP to necessitate a referral, but I went down the anti fungal route and due to the remarkable improvement I don't need a referral. Being a care worker who works shifts for 27 years I now know 5 people who have been diagnosed with CF, all have related symptoms like mine. A recent research showed that 93% of patients with CF had mycotoxins in their blood (a bi-product of fungus), the control had ZERO%. The fungus within the body gives of such severe toxins it destroys absorption, the immune system and gives way to any infection. I felt like I was dying and was on the brink of long term sickness, if I hadn't gone to my doctors and pleaded for anti-fungals and bought all the necessary drugs to combat parasites and fungus I would be on long term sick, going down the route of CF, even infectious diseases said it was all in my head and told me to manage it myself ... So I have!
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Replied by Bruce (Centurion, South Africa) on 01/02/2016

Hi Bennie. As a chronic ailer from Bilharzia (Schistosomiasis - caused I think by Schistosoma Mansoni in my case), I have been taking very small doses (based on levels in a homeopathic remedy I used to be able to get - also using a pond remedy as a base), of Methylene Blue, and wonder whether you may have ever come in contact with the disease (very poorly understood by most doctors), possibly if you have travelled in Africa, Mid- or South-America or Asia, the 3 continents where it has the greatest infection rates in the local populations. In short it causes (for me), definite brain-fog presenting mostly as short-term memory lapses, major chronic fatigue, blisters under the feet (half-way between water- and blood-blisters), and I think there's also some intestinal damage that I can link to relapses of the disease. I'm curious!

Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/03/2016

I have always regarded Methylene Blue(MB) as a particularly useful nutrient. Most know from Ted's postings that MB is extremely useful against bacteria and fungus. Ted has also written many testimonials on how useful this nutrient is at recovering people from coma. I'm not sure about the explanation for this one, I can only surmise that MB either has blood thinning effects or it has some ability to successfully dissolve clots in the brain.

Many people ask, "Why does MB increase energy and get rid of brain fog?". Well, I'll try to answer this one in my own way.

You must understand that methylene blue, apart from all its other wonderful healing effects, directly effects the body's methylation cycle in a very positive way. That means that it will improve glutathione production thereby improving the body's detox capabilities, increases methyl transferase production, regulates dopamine and norepeniphrine, regulates homocysteine, works as a primary antioxidant, helps to prevent aberrant gene mutations, increases energy and does a whole host of other critical jobs in the body. MB works this way because it increases methyl groups in the body. The methyl group is the key organic molecule that is the primary building block for all organic life forms.

When I had a quick look at the Methylene Blue molecule I saw that it had not one but three methyl groups on its outer ring. It also contains sulfur, always useful for the body. That also makes methyene blue a prime donator of methyl groups in the body. This is hugely important. Most people know how important certain nutrients are like Vitamin C, B Vitamins, bioflavinoids, minerals etc. But few people really understand the detrimental effects of both under- or over-methylation in the body. My own view is that most of us, due to poor lifestyles and diet, are under-methylated but over-methylation can also occur, due to methylation cycle blockades, to mentally disrupt our lives as well.

Methylene Blue can also easily penetrate the brain cavity and has no problem passing through the blood brain barrier. This is how it energizes the brain so easily and quickly. Hence this is why the brain fog disappears and clarity of thought returns so quickly. MB increase the efficiency of energy production in the body.

When you take methylene blue you should always take it with Vitamin C to prevent the bluing of your urine and eyes(MB is a common stain used for identifying carbohydrates in chemistry).

Some other tips on methylene blue that I've learned from my own frequent use of this nutrient. Never combine Methylene Blue with lugols iodine. They will react and cancel out each other's benefits. If you must take them on the same day, taking iodine and MB at least 2 hours apart between dosages is safe enough. Never take SSRIs and methylene blue together as it is contraindicated and can be dangerous.

Methylene Blue, combined with Vitamin C in solution can be very useful as a topical remedy against arthritis and rheumatoid disorders. I've even used it with DMSO. If you take too much MB and this causes you anxiety or you cannot sleep then just take larger dose niacin -- 500 mgs. The niacin is a methyl sink that will remove any excess methyl groups from the body and relax you whenever this is needed. Niacin, at higher dosage, has also frequently been used for anxiety disorders and mental disorders for similar reasons due to over-methylation problems or due to blocked methylation pathways.

Ever since Heinrich Caro discovered Methylene Blue in 1876, this nutrient has been used quite successfully against malaria ever since. They used spoonfuls of MB for our troops in the Vietnam war as the only cure for malaria at the time. So MB is also a prime spirochete killer of vital importance and would therefore probably work well against other spirochete-borne diseases like Morgellon's or Lyme(just guessing here). There are few if any current antibiotics that can defeat spirochete-caused diseases. Just look at the annual deaths from malaria, still off the charts.

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Replied by Charles (New Zealand) on 03/28/2023

Hi Bill,

I have tried MB and it seems to be very good at stabilizing mood, energy, and mental focus. The dosage I have taken is between 5mg and 50mg per day, noting that I mass approximately 90Kgs. Unfortunately, I have also experienced blurry vision as a side effect. The blurriness tends to resolve over a few days after ceasing taking MB, and it occurs even at low doses, and whether taken orally or applied to skin (with caffeine and vitamin C). Is there a way to prevent the blurry vision and still use MB? If not, I think I will have to forfeit all the benefits of this supplement. Thanks in advance for your thoughts. Charles

Replied by peg f. (charlottesville, va USA) on 04/13/2023

The blurred vision may be caused by MB breaking up deposits on the lens surface, such as cataracts.

I have put a tiny drop of pharma-grade MB into a weak saline solution (actually ASEA which is sort of a proto-4th phase water solution) and use it for eye drops. (I use one of those dark small glass bottles with a dropper.) Not only does it bring relief, but I believe it helps (eventually) with the deposits. Not exactly fast, but these days I'm resisting any doctor or hospital visits or surgical procedures, due to a lack of trust in the medical establishment.

Even faster may be an eye wash of boric acid (weak solution). It seems to have a faster action for eyes, although the cloudiness becomes more pronounced before it improves.

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