Seeking Info on Turpentine for Hair Growth

Posted By Cocoa (Rincon, Ga) on 05/07/2017

I keep looking for Turpentine and hair growth. I go to the site and there is nothing there. Have spent hours doing this and none of them mention Turpentine for hair loss even though the links mention it.

Can anyone tell me ho. Thank you.

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Replied by Lana W (California) on 11/07/2021

I have tried to figure it out as well. I have tried to just wing it and just put some on diluted with a carrier oil with no noticeable results. I know its suppose to work well. In Turkey and other countries its well known to increase hair growth and treat baldness. I also know the trend often talked about on YouTube of using Vicks Vapor rub to grow back hair for women who have damaged theirs from wigs only works because of the Turpentine which is in Vicks. I finally found a product that I had gotten on their website but now just ordered from them after messaging their Instagram page because their website isnt up. They said a new one is coming but I guess because of MMS it was taken down, I think. They have a product that OMG works insanely well to the point it’s unbelievable and almost scary. Its 100% natural topical oil mixture that I know has a ton of oils for hair growth and turpentine. I damaged my hair and broke off a lot of it and it has grown back more than ever before. Whats really shocking is my husband whose not had hair on the top of his head now does! It stinks though! Thats the only think I didnt like at all. You dont use a lot just a couple drops and rub in. I didnt even use it regularly at all. Iv tried to stock up on it because im so afraid they will drop off the side of the earth and I will never find it again. As you probably can tell I highly recommend it. Look them up because maybe their website will be up whenever anyone reads this or look them up on Instagram and message them. Oddly they sent me my bottle then I paid them after the fact. That’s the only time thats ever happened to me purchasing something online. They said while while they are fixing their issues with all of that they are trying to be flexible with their customers. The company is called Meslayme and the stuff is called Bloom

Replied by Jules (Moon) on 05/20/2022

You need to use 100% pure gum spirit of turpentine. I use it pure with no carrier oil. I've been taking it internally for a few years with great results, I just started using it for hair a few months ago, and it really helped with dandruff and scalp itch. The issue is that all turpentine sold in the US is garbage. The only turpentine I found to be the real thing is wild turpentine from Mexico. you can get it on
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Replied by stephen (usa) on 07/16/2022

Do you have a link for the product you mentioned "Meslayme and the stuff is called Bloom"? I can't find it on internet search.
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