Questions About Turmeric

Posted By Elena (Germany) on 07/14/2015

Please, I have two questions concerning turmeric, and am grateful for any reply!

I just started drinking turmeric mixed with a cup of milk today, and as I do equally drink baking soda mixed with a cup of water I am wondering whether I can simply add my tsp. of baking soda into my tumeric milk and drink it all mixed together.
Is that going to work or are the turmeric and the baking soda going to affect each other?

Secondly, in some reviews I read that tumeric has a slightly bitter taste. However, the tumeric I bought in our supermarket does not have any bitter taste at all, and I find the taste quite pleasant.
Does that mean that my turmeric is not a genuine one or maybe of a lower quality?

Thanks a lot!

Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 07/14/2015

To Elena (Germany) ---

If you peruse the directions on EC re alkalizing, you will see that B. soda for this purpose be kept away from food.

A hot cup of goat milk with a teaspoon of turmeric in the early morning is very beneficial. It helps with muscle aches and is a super anti inflammatory. It has tremendous benefits overall .

Most turmeric powder in grocery stores is adulterated and not genuine. I order it apart and it is way more expensive. The taste is pleasant but turmeric requires no additional spice which is because of the individual approach in Ayurvedic medicine. Some people add pepper "for easier absorption" which is nonsense, in fact for individuals it may not be beneficial at all. Absorption is problem when turmeric powder is taken without additional oil as in cooked meals. Turmeric should be added to veggies or any meal provided some oil is there as turmeric has an affinity to oil and in India it is always used this way. Capsules do not do it justice.

Visit for more information.

Namaste, Om


Replied by Elena (Germany) on 07/18/2015

Hello Om,

thank you very much for your reply!

On the internet I found how to test whether or not turmeric is adulterated:
I did the simple test with water (check the link for details), and I found that turmeric I bought from two different sources has been adulterated with fillers (particles floating on top of the water, while the turmeric settled at the botttom of the glas cup)!
Now I have ordered turmeric from a store that claims not to add any fillers, I can only hope it is true.

However, I am afraid I did not get your point about the baking soda. Can you explain, please?

Thanks so much!

Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 07/19/2015

Hello, Elena (Germany)---

First, thank you for your valuable info. on testing turmeric. I visited that site and replied, too. As in everything today, greatest care in taking nutritional items, so one may not poison oneself. Frankly, I cannot understand this part of sub human behaviour. But that is as it stands today.

I have lived in India, and for some time gave Introduction to Ayurveda in adult education. Never have I come across the piperine/pepper idea as Ayurveda deals individually with the doshas so does not advise across the board that pepper has to be added. The public is not ready for the higher conscious approach as in Ayurveda, though it is at the horizon as you can tell.

If I may digress, as on that site you found, the Milk comments are all correct, except for the fact research has only been limited to ideas and needs in the West only. The West is polluted with greed and the cruelty to animals screams to high heaven. West does not like spirituality so any explanations about Milk should be spared here. In India it is very different though shortcomings are evident all over the world. It is the aspect of SIN in procuring food that poisons it. Just like in Medi-Sin all is polluted.

As to the b.s comment of mine, I cannot remember, but will try to find it. So sorry.

I am happy you provided me with that link but one has always to go with that inner feelings that everyone can avail themselves. Thank you, Elena.

Namaste, Om


Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 07/20/2015

Hello, Elena (Germany) ===

Your question whether baking soda could be consumed with the turmeric drink. My answer was that Baking Soda has to be kept apart from other food, and on an empty stomach.

Namaste, Om


Replied by Elena (Germany) on 07/22/2015

Hello Om,

Thanks a lot for your reply!

Concerning the baking soda: I understand it now!

Again concerning turmeric: by now I have applied the "water test" for purity (the one which says that pure turmeric will completely settle down within 20 minutes when poured into a glass of warm water without stirring, and if at the end anything floats on top, it is probably fillers) on turmeric powder from four different sources, and all of them had a lot of particles floating on top of the water at the end. Even the one from the shop that claims to freshly grind the turmeric as you make your order, and promises not to add any fillers etc. The percentage of things floating on top of the water was just about the same in all four brands of turmeric that I tested.
Now I googled again, and on this website I found a statement which says that if part of the turmeric settles down and part of it floats on top of the water, then it is pure turmeric:

Now I am a bit confused, which of these two contradictory statements is true??

Of course I am more likely to believe the second one, as this was true for the four different turmeric powders I have tested - but I would like to hear from someone who really knows!



Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 07/22/2015

Hi Elena (Germany) ---

My thoughts are the second opinion is more correct. The site that you had posted, has no credibility in my view. It seems a fad.

As I told them I would rather rely on the experience of a vaidya, an Ayurvedic doctor.

So, on you tube there are some and also other posts who might answer a query. The public does not know how Ayurveda works and a little study might clear this to some extent . It is just like mentioning curcumin as if separate from turmeric (haldi) which Western scientists are used to do. Turmeric cannot be treated that way. A well known Ayurvedic statement is "The entire plant , no less". Now just imagine, with the unethical treatments and keeping people barely alive for business - let's forget it.

Ayurveda is based on the three doshas which is the chemical composition of an individual to varying degrees. The CTM has a similar system and in Tibet it can be astounding what that system could do. In Asia, the West was always considered the "dark side of the planet". No surprise. However, this will change even for this generation to witness for the better of everyone.

I think I have found a good Haldi powder as the colour alone is orange yellow and when boiled only Haldi sediments as I see it.

Enjoy it, Namaste, Om


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