Question regarding diatomaceous earth and dental implants

Posted By Leila (Europe) on 05/02/2015


Can someone please advise me regarding the possible side-effects when using Diatomaceous Earth and/or Borax (for possible parasite problems and IBS) when one has 4 titanium dental implants?

I appreciate your help, thank you, Leila


Replied by Myway (Usa) on 05/12/2015

Leila, I have 3 titanium dental implants - and use food grade diatomaceous earth daily - about 1 tablespoon. I've been doing this for about one year with no problems. To be sure my mouth health and GI health are optimal, I oil pull interchangeably with sesame seed oil and coconut oil plus I spray the bottom of my feet with magnesium oil nightly.

Through thorough research, I do feel that by supplementing my system with magnesium transdermally, my bone and gum health are excellent. Using food grade DE will benefit your whole body and not degrade your your implant integrity.

Myway :D

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Replied by Leila (Europe) on 05/12/2015

Hello MyWay,

Many thanks! I also oil pull (not every day though) and use magnesium oil, just not on my feet... Is there a reason for applying it to the bottom of the feet?

Thank you again for your time! Leila


Replied by Myway (Usa) on 05/12/2015

Leila, because I am on my feet all day in my occupation, I rub in the magnesium oil at the bottom of my soles for foot health and body health. I have studied transdermal magnesium consumption ad nauseam since my magnesium rbc test was low. It just made sense to put it there. My feet feel like a million bucks and my body is absorbing the magnesium it needs.

By the way Leila, I have been putting the magnesium oil on a couple spider veins I have on my upper leg and they are starting to fade...have you heard of anyone experiencing this wonderful beauty tip....I'm going to continue doing this method of spider vein lightening. If it truly works, I am going to share this with everyone. I have only done it for 4 days and see a significant difference.

Myway, :D

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Replied by Leila (Europe) on 05/12/2015

Glad to know MyWay, I shall tell this to a couple of friends...

All the best!


Replied by Leila (Europe) on 05/31/2015

Hello Bill

Thank you in advance for your time!

My question is regarding the use of borax/diatomaceous earth that I have started using recently, and other potencial remedies that I might use for parasites/candida, and the possible side-effects due to their chelating effects of heavy metals, as I have 4 dental titanium implants.

I have started taking the two remedies mentioned above recently and some of my symptoms have greatly improved, symptoms that started 7 years ago and that I always considered to be stress-related/IBS. I am now preparing to do a full parasite cleanse and candida protocol treatment but am concerned with this issue.

I am also wondering in case it is incompatible, what other remedies for parasites/candida could I take instead of these ones?

I would greatly appreciate someone�s input regarding this question.

Many thanks!



Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/01/2015

Hi Leila...I know a family member who had a titanium back brace inserted at age 14 because of a deteriorating backbone. She is now over 40 years old and has taken supplements -- including heavy metal chelators -- for decades. She leads a normal life.

Titanium is an extremely tough, hard, relatively inert metal. That's the reason why they use it in the human body.

Iodine is also known to chelate mercury, cadmium, lead, aluminum and arsenic from the body. I have never read where iodine chelates titanium.

The other thing to consider is where does this leaves you wrt serious systemic candida problems if you stop taking lugols iodine. Iodine does many, many other benficial things for the body besides just chelating particular heavy metals. So if you remove iodine from the protocol then you will be removing an important heavyweight nutrient.

I must also add that any candida protocol worth its salt must also include some form of heavy metal chelators in the protocol. And even if you decide to use hydrogen peroxide or MMS to kill the candida -- these nutrients will also remove heavy metals.


Replied by Leila (Europe) on 06/02/2015

Hello Bill

Many thanks for your reply and for your time, it was a great help. I was concerned because of what I have read regarding the interaction between metal chelators and mercury, but I am relieved to hear it is different in this situation.

All the best, Leila


Replied by Meganrebo (Texas) on 03/28/2018

Hello, I just have a question about diatomaceous earth and mercury amalgam fillings. Is DE safe to take while having the amalgams in? I have heard some say it is safe and some say not.

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