Need help youthenizing quickly

Posted By Amber (Somerset, Ohio) on 12/09/2011

I want to look younger really fast what can I do? With christmas parties coming up I am the youngest of my siblings but I look the oldest I'm 40 but look 50 please help.

Replied by Caitlin (Austin, Tx) on 01/08/2012

To get younger faster, follow the following 14 rules:

1. If you smoke, stop!

2. If you eat sugar & sodas, stop!

3. If you over-drink alcohol, stop!

4. If you use hot water on your skin, stop!

5. If your water intake is low, stop!

6. If you eat fried foods and bad oils, stop!

7. If you rarely eat raw fruit & veggies, stop!

8. If you never eliminate YOUR body's inflammatory/allergy foods, stop!

9. If you don't exercise, stop!

10. If you don't get 7-8 hrs sleep nightly, stop!

11. If you never take a multi-vitamin, stop!

12. If you don't forgive easily, stop!

13. If you don't smile each day, stop!

14. If you don't have a good friend or pet loving you despite your faults, stop!

Stop! Means stop the ANTI-BODY behaviour; try and make changes before you age more. I'm sure you and others can think of more to add to this list. Keep in mind that although everything helps, nothing is overnight. Took you years to get where you are and it will take 1 month to 2 years to see a reversal of the external signs of aging alone. A great start is a raw veggie juice fast to re-mineralize your body and detoxify. Investigate! Good Luck & Peace out! CAT


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