Can turpentine be used to treat stomach ulcers

Posted By Rosina (Debary, Fl) on 04/16/2015

This message is for Bill Thompson or anyone else with turpentine experience.

Bill, I have read your book, Killing So Sweetly, and am intrigued by the use of turpentine for pathogens. Do you have any knowledge or experience with using turpentine for stomach ulcers? Maybe with coconut oil as the carrier oil? Or a buffered approach? If no direct knowledge, do you know of any negative interactions? I am not 100% sure I have a pathogen like H Pylori, but I have had gastrointestinal distress for years, off and on. H. Pylori negative 5 years ago. Thoughts? I have been doing the borax, alkalizing, iodine and other protocols and was starting to feel better. My waist is slimmer, my breasts are less full and I was starting to get it together. Then, my stomach took a turn for the worse and I felt that old jab I used to feel just below my sternum. I imagine the supplements were having a go at the spot, plus the coffee I can't seem to escape. My apologies for this being broad and wandering, but all these things are interconnected, I just know it.


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