Can I Take Borax All At Once Instead of Ted's 1 Liter Protocol?

Posted By Brandon Wagoner (FL) on 03/03/2023

I'm assuming the answer to my question should be similar to the answer to the capsules question, but I want to ask just in case. Is there any reason I can't just take my daily dose as raw powder like a Goody's instead of drinking it water throughout the day. I didn't like the way it made the water taste when first trying the protocol so I've been trying just eating the borax all at once chased with water. I then drink over a liter of water throughout the day afterwards. I guess my question is if this is as effective as the protocol method? Thanks

Replied by Nick (This Side of Heaven) on 03/08/2023

Yes. According to Ted (somewhere on EC) that is acceptible.

Ted said the reason to dissolve it in a litre of water is to reduce the chance of a negative reaction. The quantity he recommends is half the "safe dose", and dissolving it and sipping it just makes it less anxiety provoking to anyone who might feel nervous about taking it.
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