Boron Laundry Detergent -- Is It Safe to Use Internally Or In Bath?

Posted By Natalie (Geneva, Switzerland) on 04/21/2021

Hello, thank you for your amazing website. I have CFS/ME and EDS and I recently did the Morgellons wine test and was horrified at what I saw, tons of either Spirochètes or Nanobots, not quite sure what they are;-( I am in Switzerland and do not have access to the 20 Mule team borax,

I have bought a bag of what is called “Boron” laundry detergent but it has some other additives and was not sure if it’s safe to drink for the borax treatment or to take a Borax bath in. I will attach the imagine, I would SO appreciate if you could tell me if the ingredients would be ok and it is safe to use, I am pretty desperate for help...Thank you so much! 🙏🏻

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Replied by Madelyn (Idaho) on 04/22/2021

This does not look safe to ingest. It does not contain pure borax. It also has soap and other ingredients listed. Maybe you can order pure borax from a chemical supplier that delivers to your country.
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Replied by Ron (Florida) on 07/05/2022

I think you can buy it from this chemical supply house in the UK:



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