Can Someone Advise Me on Ear and Sinus Issues

Posted By Elena (Apex, Nc) on 03/07/2012

I really hope someone has some advice on what is going on with me. I get congested and my ear and my head start to hurt. I'll start taking bcs and doing the peroxide rinse. (Been doing it for years). Sometimes it never gets worse and goes away but sometimes it's like my ear kicks in High gear but when I try to use the peroxide it feels like it going to explode my ear drum. I can feel the moisture in my ear and the fluid slips out. All the while my congestion is getting worst and my headaches have kicked into major overdrive! To the point of passing out, dropping things, can't hold my head up, throwing up, no energy whatsoever, having very little control over my whole body, very much like I'm drunk. At this point I am ready to go into a paddy wagon! No fun intended, I am so sick.... These headaches are focus on all the sinus area. Behind both or one eye, in the middle of the nose between the corners of both eyes. And I've got pain shooting out of my opening in my ear. These things have gotten worse within the past 3 years and I'm now seeing other allergy problems - burning itchy eyes and face. Any replies will be appreciated. Thanks...

Replied by Lokesh (Ghaziabad -uttar Pradesh, --u.p) on 05/23/2012

INCREASE INTAKE OF 3 OR MAY BE 5% AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE, IF u FEEL BETTER. I have been operated for sinus problem and still continue having problems. Irrigation of ear and nose may be by spray is also very helpful. Take 35-50 drops at a time, see the improvements with permutation and combination decide the dose frequency.

Replied by Marilyn (Milpitas, CA) on 06/10/2012

Person having sinus & ear pain, if it were me I would stop all the H2O2 & instead use Saline Nasal Spray for nose wash & eye wash, that way the mix is already for use. The eyes, nose & ears work together & if you are picking your nose & then dig in your ears or rubbing your eyes you are spreading germs from one to the other which keeps the infection going. Hope this helps. It has worked for me.

Replied by Gab2well (Trinity, Alabama, USA) on 09/06/2012

I know that I am responding to an old post. I just wanted you to know about MMS. Please look up Youtube about MMS. Also genesis2church. Org. Read about this as I know it can help you. When I have had symptoms you mentioned I have used ginger slices about three thin slices juiced into hot greentea. Just don't get it past to almost boiling point. Add honey. Do this until all the pain is gone. When I sounded as bad as you did I did this tea and also the MMS. I am sure both helped, as I tried the ginger tea first. Ginger kills viruses. I drank about 4 cups the first day, but felt 40% better with the first cup. By the end of the day, do to fogginess I didn't think of the MMS til then and did the 6x6 protocol. Please read all info on the genesis site before doing it.

Just thought this information would be helpful for future reference.


Replied by Jnemes65 (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 12/18/2016

...try Black Seed Oil
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