ACV and Baking Soda First Thing in the Morning Okay?

Posted By Rana (Dubai, UAE) on 08/12/2008

Dear TED, thank you for sharing with all of us your wonderfull remedies, god bless you and your family..

My friend has acidic/ spicy taste on her tongue and throat, after I read about your remedies and suggest her to take 2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar and 1/4 tsp baking Soda + glass of water (room temperature) and tsp of honey but I have very important question, do we take it before meals?(honestly i want to try it also just for the well beeing) in the morning should we take it first think before any thing. the acid will not hurt the stomach? Appreciate your prompt reply.

Replied by Rusty (New York, NY, USA) on 08/23/2008

ACV/Baking Soda Recipe question that I couldn't find the answers to anywhere else:

a) It's talked about having this remedy on an empty stomach, but does it matter how soon after taking this one should or shouldn't eat?

b) Can Baking Powder be substituted for Baking Soda? If yes, then does the amount used need to be altered as Baking Soda is pure Sodium Bicarbonate?

Thanks in advance

Replied by Kissa (North Bay, Canada) on 06/05/2013

No, do not sub baking powder for baking soda!

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