Years of Symptoms After Mononucleosis

Posted By A.j. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) on 01/28/2013

In 2000 I traveled to Austria & Europe and when I returned I contracted mono and have never fully recovered since then. I've been diagnosed with many things, spent lots of money on both traditional and non-traditional therapies with very little benefit. The non-traditional was the only treatment that gave me any relief. My symptoms are:

1)Fatigue--need to sleep 9-10 hrs/night and am still tired throughout the day. If I am able to lie down in the afternoon I absolutely do!

2)My sleep is non-refreshing (although I don't think I was ever a good sleeper). I wake up 5-6 times per night and go to the bathroom at least once.

3)When it started in 2000, I had diarrhea on and off for about 2 years. This has now changed to constipation for the last 10-11 years to the point that if I don't take Triphala Gold twice daily (4-6 tablets per day), I am not able to go at all.

4)Apathy/depression-Most of the time I feel too tired to be interested in things. The depression has gotten better. I am a person of faith, and the hope in God has changed this aspect alot for me. However, I am still rather apathetic about life because of the fatigue (I think).

5)Allergies-I need to use Allegra almost daily along with a nasal rinse. I know that I'm allergic to mold, but my allergies have gotten worse.

6)Migraines-I've had an increase in migraines in the last 2 years in particular.

7)Bloating-My intestines often feel bloated. I am thin, but my stomach sometimes looks bloated.

8)Irregular periods: this is new for me for the past 3 years. I am only 42 years old and do not have a history of abnormal periods. They used to last 6 days and were rather heavy. For the past year I have only had maybe 4 times where I spotted for a day or two and the blood was usually very dark.

9)Vaginal itchiness & aching. The ache is very low and central.

After spending a little time on your site, I am considering doing the Hydrogen Peroxide treatment, and possibly the lemon/baking soda alkalinizing rememdy. However, I would be interested to know your thoughts and suggestions.

Much appreciated,



Replied by Mama To Many (Tn) on 09/21/2017

Dear Peggy,

Here are some things your daughter could try:

virgin coconut oil - 1 T. 2-3 times a day if she tolerates it well. We found this to work very well for mono and other viruses.

Vitamin C - as much as she can tolerate. (Loose stools means the dose is enough and cut back a bit.) Sodium ascorbate form. During sickness, even 1 gram an hour is often not too much.

Nettle tea is a great all around health boost, especially for women in her age group.

All of that stress is likely depleting vitamins, and especially magnesium. Natural Calm magnesium supplement before bed can restore magnesium and help with sleep.

B - complex for stress

For detox and relaxing -

Epsom salt baths or baking soda baths. 1 cup of either.

Castor oil massaged into swollen lymph nodes.

Also castor oil packs over the liver (not during menses) for detox and gall bladder help. Done overnight they can be relaxing and promote sleep.

It is hard to see your daughter suffer so. She is blessed to have you on her side.

~Mama to Many~

REPLY   4      

Replied by Anon (Anon) on 01/28/2013

Hi, Sounds like you may have candida. You are also most likely deficient in several minerals/ vitamins, notably magnesium- a hair analysis test would help with this. Id suggest going to the main section and addressing your question to Bill. Really sounds like you are iodine deficient too. A low carb diet would help.

Replied by A.J. (Philadelphia, Pa) on 02/03/2013

Thank you for your suggestions. Right now I am doing the H2O2 suggestion for candida and drinking baking soda and water to try and alkanalize my system as suggested by Ted.

I did go to the main page and I didn't see a "main section" to question Bill. Could you help me with this. I am having some difficulty navigating this site. Many thanks.


Replied by Anon (Anon) on 02/05/2013

Hi, to contact Bill you need to post on main section with question for Bill in title- he replies fairly quickly

Replied by Peggy (Pelion Sc) on 09/18/2017

Symptoms after daughter was diagnosed with Mono in Feb/Mar of this year...2017....very ill. Liver numbers off the chart during worst time...she still tires easily.... Glands in throat and ears on both side of neck swollen....what supplements will help ward off symptoms...And should she do a cleanse or a liver flush.... Very busy Mom of 2....1 with Downs Syndrome. Husband lost job and is still enquiring for employment......So lots of stress along with marriage problems...even before job loss...Guidance for long term care. Possibly with herbs....any all suggestions would be appreciated....she took a steroid for a brief time...(liver inflammation) but caused severe mood change and jittery.... Advise on recharging and purging toxins.. Thank u. She is 41 year white female

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