Would Naet Help My Daughter with Her Diet?

Posted By Thealth (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/19/2012

Hi, My daughter 5 yrs old is allergic to everything except vegetables and fruits. Being vegetarian she can't have dairy products nor wheat. She is allergic to all nuts, tree nuts, soy, egg and list goes on. I am sure she is not getting enough protein in her diet. I have been reading about NAET for quite some time and need some input. Can NAET cure my daughter's food allergies? I am in Los Angeles, A and would appreciate if you can recommend some good NAET doctor. In NAET doctor what should I look for should be be advance level 2 or 3. Please let me know your inputs on this. Thanks a lot.

Replied by Starlight (Lima, Oh) on 09/29/2012

I was getting NAET treatments several years ago for a whole host of food allergies. Mine were soy (anaphylactic to all forms), dairy, gluten, all fruits, all bracheous veggies, as well as pretty much anything inside or outside, sulfites, calcium, vit A.... It was a really long list.

My kids were often with me and given that my oldest had a lot of trouble swallowing and would constantly need to spit, I had him treated as well. He was very thin and didn't need anything keeping him from getting nutrition. When she checked him, she narrowed it down to eosinophils. He did have other allergies as well but that was a big one. So she treated him for it and he started getting better quickly. It took a couple of weeks for it to be a major difference, I imagine because the buildup of the eosinophil plaque had to be broken down and all. It's been three years and he's still doing well.

At the time, I didn't know what it was. At my next checkup, my allergist wanted to know why all my edema and many other symptoms were gone and specifically how it could be that my lung volume was triple what it had been the year before. I told him about the NAET treatments and he was really puzzled. But the test results were there - and I was one of the patients with the red file that sticks out of the shelf.

So I mentioned that the kids had been treated as well and that my son had had this problem. At that, he started asking all sorts of questions. My son was with me that day too and he really grilled him about symptoms and how it felt and how it felt now. after a few minutes he just sat down. He said "it cures eosinophilic esophogitis?!"

He was a little speechless but I asked him to explain what the big deal was. So he told me all about EE, he had a lot of peds patients with reflux and related issues. But when he told me about the balloon procedure, well, thank God for NAET. Yikes!

So I would resoundingly say that, yes, it likely will help your dauhter. And it seems to be a very versatile treatment. My other son had a very rare form of epilepsy called Landau-Kleffner that made him deaf to spoken language (not sung language oddly enough - different pathway). There are only about 150 cases in 50 years so its a real trial and error situation with each new case. It's not a convulsion type since its a differnt part of the brain.

So our NAET lady checked him for a bunch of things. I know Calcium and Magnesium and a third I can't remember were all bad for him and would also aggravate seizure activity. But then she got to checking neurotransmitters. His problem ones were in group two. She treated him for those. The next week he had an EEG and it was perfectly clear. Six months later it was also clear and he was able to come off of all meds in that time. His doctor also wanted to know how that was possible, these kids don't usually get better. So I told him and he wrote it all down. Most of the epilepsy meds have weird side effects - one gave my son, at three, blood sugar spikes over 650 - as high as my meter went. So anything that might help and not cause more harm is valuable to know about. He is still clear but since he didn't talk until 6, we have some catching up to do in many areas. I must say that NAET has proven to be a real blessing for my family.

And, maybe related to the EE, my husband had a slowly declining white blood cell count. The doctors said it was a sort of genetic leukemia and once it got low enough, maybe another ten tired years down the road, they would do a bone marrow transplant. But, seriously, they could offer him nothing as far as prevention, medication, diet changes or anything that would halt or reverse it. He went to our NAET lady and sure enough there were issues with white blood cells. She treated him and his levels have been perfect every year since. Maybe that's related since the eosinophils are a type of white blood cell. I don't know but I know it's been a tremendous difference for him.

I will say that telling people about NAET brings varied responses. I have gotten raised eyebrows pretty often. There are more than a few people that are suspicious of anything remotely "eastern". My general reply is to ask if they have considered the foundational practices of western medicine in light of The Bible, especially Torah. And, have they considered ingredients and sources of their meds, or foods for that matter. I do know that all of my kids were fully treated and enjoyed it (though multiple crabby kids for the next 24 hrs was not fun). And it was my two of my favorite things, non-invasive and effective. There are times when other treatments are called for but it seems to work when nothing else will. And you may run into people that smirk and say its psycho-somatic. I'm fine with it if it is. After anaphylactic attacks from vitamin E and a single fire ant bite, if a psycho-somatic trick will keep me from dying then fine by me. And people will ask "how does it work?" I tell them I don't really know but then again I also only have a vague notion of how my car works but I know I can drive it home. The fact that I don't understand something doesn't keep it from doing what it does. Good thing isn't it?

They can even treat emotions. I was apparently allergic to confusion. My husband found that hilariously true. Having a child with a rare disorder and my own health issues.... Confusion wasn't my friend certainly. But after she treated me for that, it didn't affect in a negative physical way like it had before. I wasn't expecting much but that one thing made a difference too.

Oh, and our NAET person was an advanced II and an RN otherwise if that helps.


Replied by Thealth (Los Angeles, Ca) on 10/23/2012

Hi Starlight, Thanks for your wonderful reply on my question regarding NAET. Good to know that you and your family are doing really well.

We have started my daughter with NAET treatment and feel that she is doing much better now. She is anaphylactic to all nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashew etc ) and wheat, soy egg, etc. We haven't done her blood test after we started with NAET treatment to find out that her allergies are better or not. I do agree with you that it I don't understands how it works but know that it works.. Like the car example you gave.

It is non-invasive, non-surgical and no medicines involved. She has so far completed 24 NAET treatments. She has gained some weight after doing NAET treatment which means that it is working in some way. I feel really positive about NAET and feel that all my daughter's allergies will go away. Will keep you posted more about this.

Thank you. Wish you and your family good health.

You have mentioned that our NAET person is advanced II and RH. What is RH ? I know what is advanced II level.


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