Would a Natural Approach Be Best for Gerd?

Posted By Anpsy2010 (Mercer Island, Wa, Usa) on 03/03/2012

Hello everyone, I'm a 31 year-old, slender female. I have some chronic health conditions (celiac disease, hypothyroidism, osteopenia, depression and sleep issues) - and I have been diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus. I was diagnosed in 2008 by a gastroenterologist during a follow-up endoscopy for my celiac disease. He told me to take fish oil "religiously," prop my bed up on bricks and monitor for any changes in the type of cells (they were benign). I seem to be quite unusual for this condition - I don't experience acid reflux symptoms, I am younger than most people with this condition, I am slender, I don't smoke or drink and I am generally healthy. I take supplements and eat organic food. I exercise.

Presently, I no longer have health insurance other than catastrophic coverage. I see a primary care doctor through a membership network. Three days ago, I began to feel like my food wasn't going all the way down my throat. It's gotten better over the past 2 days. My doctor checked me out and my thyroid might be inflamed, which could cause that sensation by pushing on my esophagus. Still, she wants me to take a PPI daily. She is surprised that my gastro. didn't start me on that regimen. I took my first PPI pill today. If I don't have GERD symptoms, do I really need to do this forever? The Mayo Clinic says that GERD isn't the only thing that can cause Barrett's. Should I try a natural approach first and, if so, would it be different than the recommendations already listed because my condition doesn't seem to be caused by acid reflux?


Replied by Pyroluriac (Alamogordo, Nm) on 03/05/2012

Do some research into "low stomach acid" or hypochlorhydria". Personally I would not take those meds, but that's me. Just do the research first. Ask youself questions. Reason on the matter. What happens if we take away the body's ability to digest food? I have many of the same issues you have (plus a lot of other ones) and I understand the feeling of not being sure what to do.

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