Wife has painful nerveneuropathy from radiationchemo

Posted By Toddr34 (Sumter, Sc) on 04/25/2014

My wife survived chemo/radiation for female cancer which appears to be successful, however only weeks after finishing treatment she developed terrible nerve pain in buttock then moved down the whole left leg and foot. Doctors think there is nerve damage in the hip where a nerve bundle passes through. Thigh muscle now barely can lift up her leg, she is using a walker for about a week. on high pain meds twice a day, but still has pain all day and break through pain that is terrible, pain doc says he has given all the meds he can and see you in 2 weeks. Getting a second opinion next week. I need help for the pain and neuropathy, especially bad in the foot. There are so many people selling an answer it can be daunting trying to sort out what might really work. She stands to lose her job if no solution can be found. We have three boys and our life has changed drastically, any help is appreciated!!!

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 04/26/2014

Toddr34: First thing to do is see a Chiropractor. Nutritional supplements that will help are GABA 1grm before retiring. 1grm NAC daily will improve detox. Selenium/Vit-E/CoQ10 will improve detox and energy. Whole body hot bath w/ 1/4 cup Epsom Salts & 1/4 cup Baking Soda will help eliminate poisons also. Fish, Krill, or Flax Oil will improve integrity and regrowth of nerve tissue (as will the GABA). Be sure to eat adequate high quality protein. Canned Sardines has quality protein, Essential Fatty Acids, and DNA/RNA. A high quality Multivitamin/Mineral w/ super foods will help. Solaray has a very good Women's Multiglandular that will help in healing and restoration. Raw Liver Tablets are a great superfood.

All these suggestions will help clean, strengthen, and rebuild the body as well as nerves. Toxic cancer treatments are very catabolic (leaving the body sick & weak). These suggestion will increase the anabolic potential of healing & rebuilding.


Replied by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 04/26/2014

The B vitamins support the nerves, especially B12. "Could it be B12?" is a book discussing how nerve damage can come from a simple vitamin deficiency. She can supplement with liver and brewers yeast for the b vitamins at low cost.

Also look into the book "Drug Muggers" to find out what vitamins and minerals were depleted by the particular chemo drugs so you get an idea as to what may need to be replaced.

High dose vitamin C may help with the pain. I think it was Dr. Hoffer who used gram dosages of vitamin c to relieve pain in a cancer patient. You can get the powder on Amazon.


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