What is best remedy for chalazion

Posted By Alizeh (Winderemere, Orlando) on 01/20/2013

Best remedy for Chalazion? I am in immense pain right now :( Have chalazion on my lower eyelid. It's heavy, inflammed and really tender.. Puffy and swollen too. Please guide. Thank you

Replied by Sarah (Ottawa, Ontario) on 01/21/2013

Hi Alizah, I also had chalazion last month and it went away in the matter of 3 weeks. I did the following:

1. I took salmon oil capsules with my meals. 2 a day.

2. I made a concoction which I drank once a day. 1/3 cup of milk, 1 tsp of turmeric powder, around 1/2 tsp (or a bit less than that) cinnamon powder, 1/2 tsp honey. I first warmed up the milk, then mixed the turmeric powder, cinnamon powder and the honey in it and drank it.

3. Then I did this before going to bed. I first washed my eye with johnson baby shampoo. Then I basically soaked a cotton pad in castor oil, put the pad on top on my eyelid where the chalazion was and then put a heatpad on top of that and hot compressed for 15 min. I did not wash my eye after, so I still had the castor oil on my eyelid as I went to bed.

4. I also went to accupuncture twice during my chalazion episode, Once a week.

So after following this regime my chalazion went away in less than 3 weeks :)

Hope this helps you.


Replied by Alizeh (Winderemere, Orlando) on 01/22/2013

Thank you for sharing your tips with me. What makes me angry is that it reoccurs on the same spot every now and then. How should one get rid of this? Thanks a bunch.

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