What Can I Do for My 3 Yr Old Son with Cerebral Palsy?

Posted By Sharanya (Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) on 07/08/2012

Hi Ted, I'm from India, my 3 years old baby with 10.5 kg weight by therapy only he achieved his milestones. He is diagonosed with cp at 4 months. He had myoclonic jerks 8 times a day with 80 times jerks for each time. Initially acth, lonozep, topomac 25mg, epilex200mg syp had given. His jerks under control but eeg shows abnormality. Later dr stoped acth, lonozep. Now topomac 25mg (1 in the morning and one in the night) and epilex (2.5ml morning and 5 ml in the night) is continued. He told us to continue for another 1 year. Still he not walking and talking. He has problem understanding and listening. My blood group is b- and husbands is o, but sons is b. His food habits cows milk (3t), rice and lentils (1t), multigrain (1t), idly (1t). Mostly with rice and milk. Can u pls tell whether this medicines controls the jerks or cures. Is there any medicine to improve his cognitive level without side effects. We are giving physio therapy, occupational therapy and he going to special school, ceragem therapy will be safe or not. Pls advice me on his food and medicine for cognitive. He has biting nature. Pls give the solution to overcome from this problems.

Replied by Ed (Oakville, Canada) on 07/15/2012

Before you get a reply from Ted. I recommend the following small diet change.

Give real cow's milk obtained from local farmer. Don't give aavin, arokya or other brands as they are severely processed. Give a cup of milk kefir to your child. I have say again about milk kefir. Milk Kefir has abundance of SEROTONIN which is the neuro transmitter and keeps your mind calm. It is the I am feeling good chemical. I know it is tough to find Milk Kefir in chennai, however you can buy kefir grains from ebay and make your own milk kefir.

Hope this helps you.


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