What Can I Do for Mucus Over Production?

Posted By Navratilmama (Old Monroe, Mo, Us) on 02/11/2012

I also been having problems with my throat- feels like a lump in my throat. I take benadryl and that seems to help until it wears off. I am going back to my ent doctor next week. I'm driving my wife crazy with all of this. I don't know but I was real sick around Christmas time and I had Bronchitis it took 3 weeks to get rid of this and then I came up with this right afterwards. It feels like phlegm or something is in my throat. The first time I went to the ent doctor he told me that it was Mucus I took 6 mucus relief pills a day and that did not work so he wants to see me again. Does anyone have any suggestions? I could ask the doctor I was under. A lot of stress since September- maybe that could be the problem. Rick

Replied by Jennywren (Perth, Western Australia, Australia) on 02/12/2012

Hi there! I also get a lot of phlegm and bronchial issues and am finding that Colloidal Silver (bought from my health food shop) sprayed to the back of my throat and inhaled at the same time is working well. I have it in a spray bottle and use it 3-4 times a day. Hope this helps!

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