What can help cracked infected teeth

Posted By Jennysmom2 (Idaho) on 04/09/2015

I recently went to the dentist after a couple years absence. This is a new dentist to me. I was shocked at the dentist informed me of. She says many of the teeth that I have filled with amalgam are cracked. She is telling me that I need to have most of my fillings redone; some with partial porcelain overlays. She says I must have TMJ because my jaw muscles are so tight. She feels I must clench my teeth at night causing the cracks, (even though I snore). One tooth in the lower front she says is dying and there is a large infection, yet I have no pain. My jaw is quite narrow and my bottom teeth are crooked, also causing some of the cracks. I can see the cracks, so I agree with that, but I just do not want any unnecessary work done. She is recommending braces to stop the damage.

I understand sometimes teeth can repair themselves, but I don't know if I can get rid of the problem with the infected, dying tooth. Any thoughts on this? I already oil pull from time to time. I have done some reading and have or purchased oil of oregano, Himalayan salt, black walnut, and xylitol which I am using. Would castor oil get rid of the infection?

I have a couple weeks before I go back and really need to make some progress fast. Thanks again, Jennysmom2


Replied by Anon (Us) on 04/09/2015

Once you get dental work done it's hard to go back to go the natural route. The routine is to drill and fill and then the cavity forms under the filling so they drill and put a crown on top and then that fails and it has to have a root canal and that fails and they do an implant.



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Replied by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 04/09/2015

Hi Jennysmom2,

I went to a dentist once who told me I had numerous cavities, needed a root canal, then braces. Shocked, I decided to get a second opinion in Pittsburgh at my husband's family dentist, who was well regarded in the community. Guess what? One cavity, no root canal and no braces. I went to him for years until his death, then to his partner who was in the middle of a messy divorce. I suddenly had at least one cracked tooth every time I went in, requiring a gold inlay. I decided if he said one more cracked tooth, I was going elsewhere. He did, and I did. New dentist never found any more cracked teeth, or need for inlays. I could go on - same story when I moved to Ohio. Moral of the story - get at least another opinion. There are good and poor dentists, but you need to use your intuition and common sense, and if something sounds way off, it probably is. You can't restore your teeth the once the work has been done. Good luck!


Replied by Melissa (Cleburne, Texas) on 04/10/2015

I was talking to a lady at the nutrition center recently who told me that she rubs liquid trace minerals on her abcessed tooth with good results. Hope that helps.
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Replied by Neicede (Usa) on 04/10/2015

Every time you brush I'd throw a lump of coconut oil into your mouth. Don't swallow it, keep it there for a minute or two then rinse. I also use a liquid magnesium solution.

I would get a 2nd opinion from an older, student debt free dentist. I had a dentist once that wanted to do about $35K work on my mouth. Twenty years later I still have them.


Replied by John P. (Medford, Ma.) on 04/11/2015

I went to 4 different dentists in Medford, MA. and they all were doing what I call "Creative dentistry." Things like telling me I had a cracked filling that needed to be replaced or I needed a root canal...All LIES! In other words they were coming up with issues that were not there...I moved from one to the other then went to a teaching dentist college in Boston where they will not do anything that does not need to be done...These are students that are watched over by real dentists and do just what's needed...
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Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 04/11/2015

Sadly, I have to add my own experience of having one dentist recommend expensive and painful gum grafts for me. I declined. Since then we have found a small town dentist that says my teeth are fine. He never even gets upset that my children are on well water and don't supplement with flouride. In fact, he has never even mentioned it.

~Mama to Many~

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