What Can Heal a Hardened Chalazion on the Eyelid?

Posted By Kyle (iowa) on 04/07/2021

Any ideas what to do for a hardened chalazion on the inside of the eyelid? I would like to get it to the point where it will drain. They gave me antibiotics and steroid eyedrops but from what I read that will do nothing. So I'm done with that. I have heard Apple cider vinegar but I want to make sure I can safely do that. People have seemed to get some results. Please share any ideas. I would very much appreciate it.

Replied by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 04/08/2021

Kyle, read up about applying honey.

Replied by Mama (TN) on 04/08/2021

Dear Kyle,

In addition to mmsg's great suggestion of honey, I would probably try castor oil.

~Mama to Many~

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Replied by Carolyn (Ontario) on 04/09/2021

Try "organic cold pressed" caster oil and a high UMF Manuka honey. Do not use any other kind of castor oil as it produced differently and has a negative effect in the eye. Manuka honey is an amazing healer.
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Replied by Margaret (FL) on 04/09/2021

Corriander Seeds take about 1 tsp and boil in purified water, use as a compress, it's the one thing that has worked for me several times, I continually get chalazions. Be sure to wash your eyes with a little johnsons baby soap as well, hope this helps you.

Coriander seeds-

If you are prone to chalazion then coriander seeds are to your rescue. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Boil a teaspoon of coriander seeds in a glass of water. When this water cools down, wash your eyes with it. Repeat this three times for a few days. Practice this daily to prevent the occurrence of eye cyst.

Also, Apple Cider Vinegar, be sure to get Braggs - it's organic

Apple cider vinegar-

One of the most popular chalazion home remedies is apple cider vinegar. It is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. You may take it orally or apply it topically to cure eye cysts. To apply apple cider vinegar topically dilute apple cider vinegar with equal quantities of water. With the help of a cotton swab, apply this solution to the eye cyst several times a day.

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Replied by kyle (iowa) on 04/10/2021

I need something I can put on the inside of the eyelid. It's not on the outside.

Replied by Kim (New South Wales) on 04/12/2021

My husband had a decade old chalazion on his upper eyelid that had hardened without redness despite trying everything natural under the sun when it first appeared and at intervals subsequently. At one point of sustained natural remedies, the lump appeared to develop a slight split as if divided into two adjacent smaller lumps. Another time along the way, I applied raw local honey along his lashline and felt guilty as he developed a small chalazion on his lower lid just below the upper lump. It wasn't a stye as it never went away. Finally, last year, he was fed up and ready to seek surgery but came across an article in www.eyeworld.org connecting Dermodex mites (present in all people) to chalazions so we decided to give one last-ditch treatment.

I mixed castor oil (the old-fashioned type in a glass bottle from the Indian store that has been used safely in eyes for centuries that I happened to have) with pure teatree oil in a dropper bottle and after his morning shower, I applied 2 drops to his clean knuckles which he held together for me and he then touched his knuckles together to disperse before swiping one knuckle across each respective lashline of both his closed eyes to avoid cross contamination as the chalazion was only on his left eye. He also used his knuckles to massage the mixture into his lashlines.

At night before bed, he used Opti-Soothe mask (from pharmacy) for two consecutive 20mins after heating 20secs in the microwave following by the same oil-on-knuckle treatment. As stated in the article, after 12 weeks the chalazion disappeared and has not returned after four months.

Wish we had known this remedy before as over the decade, we wasted time and money on doctors every time it became embarrassingly conspicuous after other natural treatments just to be prescribed eyedrops that made no difference and referral to opthalmologist who recommended best to leave it alone as it may recur after surgery which is apparently very painful.

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Replied by Kyle (IA) on 04/13/2021

How much tea tree oil with the castor oil? And this was inside the eye, correct?

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