Want to remove fibroid without surgery

Posted By Ashiwaju (Nigeria) on 05/07/2015

Dear Sir,

during my first pregnancy, they discover that I have small Fibroid in my tumor although I had my child through CS Operation last year 2014(still a nursing mother). The doctor said they cannot operate the two at the same time that later they will operate the fibroid and I don't want they to operate it. I don't want it to grow. I am 27year old. is there any way I can terminate this fibroid without operation? Please treat as urgent. Thanks, Ashiwaju bola

am writing from Nigeria.

EC: Hi Ashiwaju,

Please read Earth Clinic's fibroid remedies page here. The most popular remedies for shrinking fibroid naturally are blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar.


Replied by Heidi (West Bend, Wi) on 05/12/2015

Stay away from estrogen products or food. There are many herbal supplements like Red Clover that helps reduce fibroids. How big is it? What doctors don't tell you is that they are normal in women between the ages of 30- menopausal. I have one too and its small, hasn't grown once you go through menopause they go away. Just keep monitoring it. Do Not have surgery unless it is huge and painful. Stay away from SOY, Dairy that isn't organic. Best is to eat organic. Our meats are full of hormones. After I went all organic and gmo free, it has not grown. Google how to shrink fibroids naturally, you will find alot. Please do not let your doctor talk you into surgery unless its an emergency. One lady had 5 large fibroids size of melons and she shrunk them by using Red Clover and eating organic and gmo free. There is hope and cures without big pharma or chopping us up. Best of luck!

Replied by Sam (Miami) on 05/12/2015

Read Xenoestrogens and Breast cancer post.

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