Want to avoid surgery for ear tubes

Posted By Kelly (Phoenix, Arizona) on 01/11/2011

Help! My daughter has been back and forth to the ENT Dr. As she has fluid behind her ear. Antibiotics don't help (obviously) and their reccommendation is to put tubes in her ear. Is there anything else that can be done to remove this fluid? Thanks.

Replied by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 01/11/2011


A myringotomy should be only a dire last resort, IMO. Is she in danger of any immediate hearing loss, according to the ENT? A detailed document I have is not much help, as all it says is that the doc will try antibiotics!

Several things to try immediately if there's no rush:

Find a very good well known proteolytic/fibrinolytic enzyme formula, like WOBENZYM (any letter after is OK, might be 'N').Advantage here is it's available in small size bottles, since it's expensive and you don't want or need the largest bottle if trying it out. Available almost everywhere, but locally at a store would be best since every day saved is important.


Here is an excerpt from something found online for tinnitus, but that is the exact anatomical place for this problem. Dosage given is likely for ADULT, so if she's a young girl even preschool then :

Many patients with tinnitus are found to have out of control inflammatory processes.
This includes purulent ear drainages, infections, and chronic fluid drainage from the ear.
The potent enzyme preparation Wobenzyme N formulation (trypsin, chymotrypsin,
bromelain, papain, pancreatin and the bioflavinoid rutin) has produced good results in
tinnitus. This works quite well in safely reversing the inflammatory component in tinnitus
resulting in disappearance of tinnitus. Increase in the severity of tinnitus when taking
therapy can be a valuable clue the therapy will ultimately prove beneficial. The
temporary increasing severity of the tinnitus proves the therapy is actually influencing the
underlying condition which caused the tinnitus.
Cases of tinnitus reflecting auto-immune damage to the ear also can respond to high
doses of enzymes. The dosage used was 10 Wobenzyme N three times daily. After a few
weeks of therapy the severity of the tinnitus may begin to subside.

IMPORTANT: To be taken on empty stomach only! That's 2 full hours after any meal, or 75 minutes before any meal or drink other than water.

Since Wobenzym is enzymes only, not an antibiotic in the strictest mainstream medical sense and so the silver won't interfere, you could also try at the same time to save time a colloidal silver solution of 10 ppm or better, taken orally a tablespoon a few times per day AND also try a few drops into each ear several times per day. (May have to just get her to lie on side on sofa or bed for 15-30 minutes each ear after drops in.)

The point is, if there is a microbe in there infecting and inflaming things, and the silver kills it off, you want to aid the body there particularly in clearing out the detritus, because that is the worst place in the body for microcirculation. (Where even the tiniest microscopic blood vessels are not allowed, like the eye lens, all exchange of oxygen, waste, and nutrients is by gaseous diffusion.)

Here is a short explanation of just how exactly these enzymes act as a natural antibiotic in the body:


Most of what makes us sick are either of proteins as their building blocks or are protected by a protein coat hence they therefore subject to control by enzymes. Proteolytic enzymes help dissolve the hard coat around foreign particles, cancer cells and microbes and make them venerable to attacks from the immune system and external anti cancer, antigenic and anti microbial remedies. The white blood cells (macrophages and the neutrophiles) need proteolytic enzymes to engulf, digest and neutralize bacteria and toxins. Similarly all cells in the body contain lysosomes in the cell membranes. These lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes which the white blood cells use For digestion during phagocytosis and destruction of toxins.

But you will have to decide if you have the luxury of time to try this!


Replied by Genevive (Erie, Pa, Usa) on 01/11/2011

Antibiotics didn't work for me either. I'm 41 and have tubes and it helps a lot. Sorry I haven't found a different way. You could try a homeopathic doctor or a natural doctor. Sorry I couldn't help more.

Replied by Granny Laura (Waco, Tx) on 01/11/2011

TUBES IN EARS: It has been my experience that tubes are never needed in ears! What is needed is a GOOD allergist. The allergies are what is causing the problem, not an ear tube deficit.

I saw this with my best friend's grandchild. The first time they were to have ear tubes inserted the child was ill so the surgery had to be postponed. The second time she had a seizure from the anesthetic she was given. Her mother finally listened to me about finding an allergist.

My allergist was booked up so we tried another. They did RAST tests and changed the child's diet completely. In 3 days she was a completely different child. After that she didn't need tubes, she also (age 4) learned how to walk, talk, and was declared to be not retarded after all. She never had another seizure, which she'd had at least once a month since birth. The family was able to move out of "Seizure City", and they all thought I could walk on water. LOL The little girl had been life flighted 2 times and had been to the hospital at least 1-2 times a month since birth to bring her out of a seizure.


Replied by Morphic (Melbourne, Victoria Australia) on 01/13/2011

Hi Kelly, Sorry to read about your daughters condition. I have had the same problem for about 33 years after contracting german measles as a young child. I have had 6 sets of grommets inserted over the early years and up until 3 years ago I would suffer from severe acute ear infections 2-3 times per year that would leave me profoundly deaf during the acute stage. A a result of the chronicity of this condition I now have a 30% hearing loss in both ears, but thankfully I can hear.

3 years ago I decided to try ear candling. I admit that I decided to go the whole way, including using Mullein drops 2-3 days prior to each candling, I bought the Hopi Indian Music CD and ensured that I used the time to relax and meditate while doing the candling, and of cours I bought the candles - in-fact I bought enough to do a treatment every 2 weeks for 3 months and then monthly for another 9 months (total of 32 candles). In the first year, I still got 2 acute infections, but they were far less severe and didnt result in deafness or as much pain. In the second year there were times when I would notice a "bubbling" in my ear and at these times (every couple of months) I would perform a treatment and it would clear within 24 hours. I had no acute infections in the second year or the third year and up until now.

Now I use the candles routinely at the start of spring and winter and intermittently if a sense any 'bubbling' in my ear.

Myringotomy, is often effective but in the majority of cases the problem will return. If your daughter is acutely affected, then you may need to consider the procedure (Dont use the candles while the grommets are in place - usually for 1 year) Then long term management after this. However if your daughter is quite stable and not suffering from problems with learning or development, you may want to consider this option. Consult a naturopath before hand to ensure that a holistic management is put into place to address allergies, immune modulation and inflammation etc.

Best of luck


Replied by L. (Greenville, Sc) on 01/14/2011

My niece had great success when she blew up a ballon w/ her nose 3 times a day. It was some kind of special balloon that helped stretch the eardrum? She never had to have the tubes and is not having the infections anymore. Good luck.

Replied by Anne (Brisbane, Queensland) on 01/15/2011

Hi Kelly,

I had the same problem with my son when he was a toddler. I did not like the idea of surgery (and had been told that the tubes most likely fall out anyway). The lady at the health shop told me about the most miraculous remedy that I have been using for about 5 years now, and all ear problems have been fixed almost immediately.

Peel and cut an onion in half around the middle. Put the two halves on Saucers (the widest part down - stalk ends facing up). Then drizzle a teaspoon of honey (I use Manuka honey) over each of them and cover with a bowl and leave overnight. In the morning, the mixture of the honey and onion is quite runny. You can then use this to put into your child's ears with an eye dropper. Fill the ear (child lying on his/her side)and leave it there for 15 minutes if possible. This has fixed every ear infection my son has ever had, without the need for antibiotics or surgery. This can be used for children and adults alike. Good luck and take care.


Replied by Lemarque (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 01/22/2011

HI Anne, I have also heard of and used this remedy with onion and honey and found it very effective. It was suggested to me as a cold remedy, by preparing the onion and honey the same way, but then place the onion/honey beside the bed while you sleep, letting the aroma also actively treat the condition and in the morning, take a T-spoonful of the honey. A very effective treatment for colds, hayfever, sinusitis, URTI's etc. It's great to hear of someone elses success with this wonderful little treatment from grandma.

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