Remedies for Typhoid Malaria in a Baby

Posted By Tami (Sacramento, California ) on 03/06/2021

Seeking a remedy to help a baby get better that has typhoid malaria and no antibiotics. Thank you.

Replied by Lorraine (Seattle) on 03/14/2021

Have you tried HCQ or MMS?

Replied by Jan (CA) on 03/14/2021

Hi Tami!

Your baby's illness sounds like it needs much more than home remedies can provide.

I strongly encourage you: please go to this website and seek a virtual appointment. This is the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation website.

The Banerji clinics in Kolkata, India have been successfully treating nearly 7,000 patients per week using homeopathy, having developed, over many years, protocols which utilize homeopathic remedy treatments taken in multiple doses similar to how prescription medications are used. The clinic is free to most, operating mostly from donations (is my understanding). The illness you describe sounds like something they will be familiar with.

Instructions for obtaining a consultation using Whatsapp can be found at the bottom of the homepage.

Once you receive the appropriate protocol to use, I recommend ordering the remedies from a homeopathic pharmacy such as Washington Homeopathics, where you can get a multidose vial with 250 doses of each remedy in a number of different potencies. In order to start treatment right away, Boiron has a number of remedies easily obtained from your local health food store or co-op, or ordered from Amazon (if ordering from Amazon, also check for Urenus brand remedies).

I also encourage you to go to homeopath Joette Calabrese's website where you will learn how to properly handle, use, and store homeopathic remedies. Especially keep them away from all Wi-Fi devices, microwaves, and computers as these will deactivate the remedies, as will peppermint. Use the search function on her site and you should be able to find whatever you're looking for (she has nothing specific for your baby's illness - already looked).

Good luck to you!

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