Tried to solve white tongue issues

Posted By Fouad (Beirut, LEBANON) on 04/13/2009

Dear Sirs. I was facing a problem since one year or more and I tried so many ways to solve this problem but I couldn't. but the problem began when I faced a problem with swallowing I began to take many kind of antibiotics then the problem began. then I got

1 white tongue
2 always I feel that I need to drink water
3 everything I eat it taste like lemonade in my mouth
and so many symptoms please I need a solution because all this made me crazy. If you please can you send the soluton to my mails
EC: You might find some helpful remedies here:
or here:


Replied by Terry (Nairobi, Kenya) on 04/22/2009

I have read about cleaning the white coating of the tongue am impressed that there are many people out there trying to find solution when the medical fratanity gave up long ago. I have used glycerin plus aloe vera which have helped with my breath alot. I will try the salt and see if it works keep up your suggestions its really helping and if someone comes with a permanent solution that will be great.

Replied by Nancer (Kansas City, Mo) on 05/02/2011

For about 10 days now I have been rinsing my mouth with peroxide after I brush my teeth to get the build up off my teeth. I swish it around for like 5 minutes, then spit it out. I am very careful not to swallow any, and I always rinse out my mouth afterwards. But now I have a terrible taste in my mouth and a white coating on my tongue, which I did not have until I started this. Is the peroxide causing this?

Replied by Kathleen (Columbus, Ohio) on 05/04/2011

My dentist recommended rinsing with hydrogen peroxide but ONLY if it's diluted by approximately 50/50 with water. She said that it's too harsh when used straight for a rinse. I tried this and it's much better.

Replied by Fastinghelps (Los Angeles, Ca, Us) on 07/27/2011

I think cleansing from the inside is a must. I do fast 2X a year and it helps with the coated tongue bc it cleanses your insides, your liver, gets rid of toxins, candida, etc. I use a tongue scraper every morning when I fast and also do neti pot if needed. Drink lots of water, especially with lemon juice in it. No sugar! No white carbs. Oatmeal creates mucus so does buckwheat so limit, no dairy! Apple cider vinegar helps dissolve mucus so add a tbs in a glass or water or juice and sip.. Grapefuit helps with mucus and candida too. I believe that if you do all that and give it time, your tongue will be pink, and not just temporarily.

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