Treatment needed for 14 year old son with autism

Posted By Laura (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/21/2013

My son is 14 has high functioning autism, but now he is suffering from severe ocd, he collects action figures, but for the last year, he sees imperfections in them, washes hands all day long, can't go to the store without washing hands and sweating with anxiety. He gets tandrems, hits him self with frustration. he is taking meds, but we do not see much help, is there anything ells can be done?

Replied by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 11/22/2013

Many documented cases of autism or the autism spectrum disorders have been significantly improved or cured altogether w/ the Miracle Mineral solution (MMS); Here is the homepage. There is lots of d.i.y. info or a health & healing minister can be summoned to treat the child.

Replied by Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 11/22/2013

Laura: The 80/10/10ers have had good success with a variety of conditions. You can watch their videos for info. Cooked regular food does not provide all the body requires and meds have side effects. I take the superfoods in a glass of water every hour with some raw wildflower honey. Fermented wildharvested nutrients have the most potency.

Replied by Liz (Boston, Massachusetts) on 11/22/2013

Laura - I've read many, many encouraging testimonials from people who have used Inositol for OCD, among other things.

Inositol, though often referred to as vitamin B8, is actually a naturally-occurring glucose isomer vs. a vitamin. It is easily obtained online or at vitamin stores and from all that I've read (which is a lot), it is perfectly safe.

If you read-up on it, I think you will find it to be a viable option for your son. All best.


Replied by Mary (Edmonton) on 11/22/2013

You must be devastated!

I would start with a baseline to see what is missing or not there or not supposed to be there.

1. Check his hormones with a comprehensive male profile I at ZRT Labs.

2. Get complete blood work done to check for vitamin deficiencies, allergies, etc. I am from Canada so we can have it done for free. You may have to pay for yours on your own.

3. Comprehensive stool analysis at Great Plains Laboratory which will eliminate some nasty issues like parasites.

I tried to send you the links but the site won't allow me to.

Instead of flying blind you need to determine what is lacking &/or should not be there so initially it will cost more but the end result will be more accurate with the least intrusion on your poor boy. I cannot imagine having to live in his poor little head.

I hope this is of help?


Replied by Louwrence (Rustenburg, South Africa) on 11/22/2013

Hi Laura, Check Bioacoustics & Dr Campbell/autistic.

Replied by Prioris (Fl) on 11/22/2013

If the meds are synthetic medications, maybe it is causing the symptoms. I would stay away from synthetic medications.

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