Too Much Radiation?

Posted By Vachilly (Tampa, Fl, US) on 07/08/2012

I recently had three CT scans and 6 xrays in a week. I'm really frightened. Does anyone have some good information on just how afraid I should be?

Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 07/09/2012

Vachilly, don't be afraid at all!! What you might do is apply Iodine on your skin (inner forearm for example) to counteract any radiation.

Replied by Wydo (Ca) on 06/13/2016

For anyone reading this post and will be going through CT or PET scans, it would be a very good idea to start mega doses of vitamin c. Start with 2 grams a day and continue to work yourself up to more each day until you reach your bowel tolerance. Spread the doses out throughout the day.

Liposomal vitamin C would be even better.

Radiation damages cellular DNA and vitamin C helps to restore your DNA and undo radiation damage.

If you have any place you can go to get vitamin C IVs that would be even better.

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