Ti want to avoid kidney loss

Posted By Dianne (Fort Mohave, Arizona, Usa) on 06/26/2012

Hello, I have been dealing with kidney stones for 15 years. After the lithotripsy on the first one in 1997, I vowed never to go thru that again so I researched herbs and was able to successfully manage my kidney stones (about one a year) for 13 years using hydrangea herb. But about 2 years ago, the herb stopped working for me. The kidney stone pains started coming on every 4-6 weeks. I would feel pain, and then get fever and chills and be bedridden for 3-4 days at a time.

I finally decided to get a CT scan and find out how many I have and where they are with every intent of coming home and drinking gallons of ACV to get rid of them. But when I had a CT scan 3 weeks ago, my plan was foiled. My scan showed approx 1 cm stone in the right ureter which was blocking kidney function for the right kidney. Also the scan showed 2 large stones in left kidney, one at 1.2 cm and one at 1.74 cm. There was no way I could deal with those on my own.

I was admitted into emergency to save the right kidney. Surgeon pushed the stone in the ureter back up into the kidney and did lithotripsy. I have had a stint for 3 weeks. After 2 weeks, I stopped seeing the sand-like granules. But a few days ago my right kidney seems to be inflamed. It is achy on the right side and I'm concerned that the kidney is not doing well. I take Cipro and Pyridium daily.

The possibility of dialysis and/or kidney failure scares me. I am scheduled to go back tomorrow for them to do lithotripsy on the left kidney. I do not have diabetes or high blood pressure and am otherwise healthy. The doctors have yet to tell me what kind of stones I have or why they keep coming. What can I do to help repair my damaged kidney on the right side and keep from having dialysis or loss of kidney?


Replied by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 06/30/2012

Hi Dianne, Look up Dr Schulz on the net as he claims that no matter in what condition ones kidneys are in they can be healed using natural remedies that he recommends, try it & see what happens.

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