Three blocked coronary arteries

Posted By Farhaan (Pakistan) on 10/27/2014

Recently angiography had done on my father and the doctor recomended us to go for by-pass surgery because of three arteries blockage, but we do not want to go towards by pass surgery. Can my father uses this concoction? He's 48 yrs old and he just experienced shortness of breath in stress condition, otherwise he's totally fine...plz give me earlier reply.

Replied by Heinz (Tampa, Florida) on 10/27/2014

Hi Farhaan,

What I have done and believe works is lecithin: 1 tablespoon granulated lecithin, 3 times a day. Twenty years ago I watched a TV program about a book extolling lecithin's virtues as a chelator. I thought it would be good preventive medicine so I bought a pound and used it. I was working as a handyman and did everything. When I would squat, my legs would rapidly begin to ache and it was hard to stand up and my knees sounded like popcorn. After the lecithin, the ache was gone and I could stay down as long as I wanted. When I went to stand, it was as though I was on springs ? no effort required! Total silence ? the popcorn was gone. It was a nice surprise. I hope this works for you. Heinz


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